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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. I never said I wanted perfect replica's or anything. All I said was that he had a stupid argument.
  2. You take the files from the downloaded truck's .zip, and move those files into the SMV4.zip
  3. Name: Mason Watts Truck: Earth Shaker Aim: mighthesitate@gmail.com http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1358-the-edelbrock-earth-shaker/
  4. If you have to take down those videos, you have to take down Blair's video of Nicole from a few weeks ago in the Silly Season Thread that no one had an issue with whatsoever. EDIT: Or even Klayton saying that Bigfoot sucks literally one page back, that is, if you really don't want to offend people or give a "bad name" to the site.
  5. I really hate this argument. Just because you haven't made a truck doesnt mean you can notice when something is wrong with one. By that logic you can't say anything GOOD about a truck either.
  6. Actually, its the computer. I'm able to run these trucks absololutely fine.
  7. Kaayton, stop being so unmature, just finish the track.
  8. But Cortez Snipes painted back on RORMJ, or atleast while the site was still alive.
  9. The conspiracy theories on this site are ridiculous sometimes. Anyways, that track looks like one of the best they have done yet.
  10. Especially after seeing the run, I highly doubt he threw it. If he did, then he really understands exactly how to make a run look awful.
  11. If that were to happen, it wouldn't be twitch. Twitch only allows gaming content. Plus then if they livestream it they can't cover up when bad things happen.
  12. Not happy until the giant gets grown off of Wells Fargo Tower.
  13. The iPad won't let me put the full picture in the post, so have a nice little hyperlink http://i.imgur.com/yz0WXjI.jpg
  14. Or maybe they wanted an encore like last year and they wanted to make sure if a truck got broken then FELD could just use another chassis? I mean, a bad result from a backflip could put evo completely out of racing.
  15. Sim monsters sure knows how to make a joke get old... real fast... Anyways, I'm curious as to what the general consensus is on the FS track. As in, do you think there will be large or small changes made after racing? I personally think that there will be large changes around the middle, but as much around the sides, that do you guys think?
  16. Time for a probably wrong theory, but I think one of the containers is collapsible, unless Feld is testing with some designs. One side has a significantly more rounded run up than the other, and both sides have different things on the back (not that that's too relevant). Or y'know, maybe they finished one and are still working on the other. Time will tell.
  17. As much as I hate to see the monorail go, I will say that they'd otherwise be sitting in a junk yard, those models are all being replaced with newer ones soon (AFAIK could be wrong), so I guess we can look at it as one last time for the old monorail to give people joy. EDIT: I researched this. That's a Mk. IV Disney World Monorail, that when retired was bought for use by the city of Las Vegas. After years of use, Las Vegas started to use newer monorails an left the two Disney ones they own out in the elements for a few years. Monster jam seems to have bought this one as one last hurrah for it. seems like it had a great life.
  18. That just demolished my soul. Childhood me is probably in tears right now. MONORAIL4LYFE
  19. I doubt it's that long, but even if it is that long, i still don't think he'd have enough run-up room to clear it. that'd be cool though >.>
  20. The thing is, FELD doesn't make games. FELD gives money to developers who know how to make a game that appeals to a wide audience, they don't put large amounts of money into making a hyper-realistic game to appeal to a small audience.
  21. If you really want to go for a realistic result, you may as well start from scratch. Why? Because the 2005 and 2014 versions have almost literally nothing in common. Examples: If you look at it, there really isn't anything other than a guy on the side (which has even been modified a bit) in common.
  22. Don't take this as a personal insult but... It honestly looks like you've just paint bucketed yellow over where the 2005 Version had blue, the 2014 one is far more different than that. I can't find a good shot of the hood, but you can tell there is design going on there, also note the shock towers that extend through it. The yellow also extends closer down to the bumper, and there is a blue and then a white outline around the text. On top of that I think They're about to add a bunch of stuff to the back, to go along with some new sponsors.
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