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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  2. I actually just checked and it turns out it was 2008. I feel like my life is a lie. Pretty sure I played in 2007 though.
  3. I cant beat tom for sm, but my rigs of rods forums account was made in June of 2007
  4. I like it and dont think that it needs a bee on it. I'll just see myself out.
  5. Please don't name it mason. After something about the kardashians (butchered spelling) it's like the third most popular new born male name around, and I'm sick of going into public and hearing mothers shout at their son mason and confusing me. Navy would be a cool name though, but I'm far too lazy to type out reasons why you should use such a strange name for your child.
  6. I never even though about parts flying off while the truck was upside down, but that's a really good point. Also kinda scares me considering I was sitting Here: When this Happened
  7. I don't dislike them, but to me it's like calling sky wheelies Slap wheelies, they're similar, but not the same thing... I come across as hating on That son-uva-digger thing, but that's because he was right next to the parked trucks, and there was no reason for him not to have been shut off, not because he tried to get on all fours.
  8. The reason we say they aren't saves is because a save is when you SAVE the truck from rolling over. Not when the truck rolls over, and then so happens to have momentum to go back onto it's wheels/when you just so happen to not get rii'd and are lucky flooring it.
  9. This would be a Cohen. The rear shock towers are far less slanted than those of a CRD, easiest way to tell between the two (for me) Typical CRD for reference
  10. Not a save. He rolled it twice in the process. I'm ok with some "roll" in a save, but seriously, that was just him mashing the throttle because for some reason no one decided to RII him regardless of being right nest to the trucks/stands.
  11. Mason Watts mighthesitate@gmail.com Predator
  12. These were already taken down, stop reposting them all incorrectly.
  13. Thousand Foot Krutch's new Single, incredible.
  14. WHEN SUDDENLY DERICK USED HIS HYPERSPEED POWERS AND PULLED BACK THE WIN! (Not shown in clip, sorry) http://gfycat.com/DeadlyWanAchillestang Srs note: This is pretty cul (3:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XFXhAjz7jw
  15. HTML5 Video for those too lazy to watch the whole thing for the wall hit ----->>>>> http://gfycat.com/CleverJauntyInexpectatumpleco
  16. Extremely superior HTML5 Video ------->>>>>>> http://gfycat.com/SpectacularBlandJunebug
  17. The curve also reaches much closer to the sides of the roof ontop, and the guy's torso is behind the curve
  18. Doesn't get any better than a former abandoned Quarry turned off-road park.
  19. Allen Pezo lives in Tennessee, that's definitely not classifiable as a "Coast" area.
  20. Cant post link on mobile, but strike back by we as human could work, if not I'm sure one of thier others could.
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