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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. It's all up to you. I perfer to use the top buttons on either side of the wheel, but that's just me. Some people use the shifting paddles, but I like shifting with them. If you want something more realistic, you probably want to use some of the buttons on the shifter.
  2. Not if the 10th anniversary one never had chrome spikes to begin with. EDIT: Mark that track looks like right fun. EDIT 2: KREG'S 10th ANNIV. NEVER HAD CHROME SPIKES, ONLY AFTER THE FIRST QUARTER (maybe later) DID HE HAVE CHROME SPIKES.
  3. The way I see it is that Society gets bored of the same old same old very quickly. Whenever something "different" comes along they all jump on it because it's "better" than anything they've seen before. Also in the case of MaxD, Johan has put a ton of work into the trucks, making sure that everything is as good as he wants it to be, whereas a lot of people, including myself, will just say "It looks good enough without XYZ" and then show it off. I'm not saying everyone does this, but I notice when people do, and I honestly think something that looks above par (like Johan's trucks) will be noticed a lot more than something that, although may be just as good quality, looks like things people have seen before.
  4. Having jumps on the straights seems like a serious danger... I know that it's a game, but I don't see it being a good thing if a league is planning to hold an event there. Trucks hitting ramps right next to the stands at 70 right before a tight turn has so many ways to go wrong. But don't get me wrong it looks like a great track. I honestly think cars have very little place in monster jam these days, they're mainly space fillers anymore. The tracks mj makes have no need for cars in the obstacles. They would be pretty much the same with just dirt to fill their void.
  5. Around the tenth time this question gets asked after already being answered. (It'll be released for SSRS, so sometime in the next week or two)
  6. Thanks again Tharindu! Just a poorly done FS I did while bored, sort of cool roll save in there though...
  7. Who could ever forget the best, most successful under-ground league of all time? Exactly. Everyone. The Rigs of Rods Stunt League Yes, it was truly amazing. Co-founded by SIlverWolf and I, it needed no private server, it used the public ones, and braved the random people. Ran over the Sim-Monsters Personal Message system, It was hated by most people. Brian, the owner of the site, even once said he'd make a custom stunting track (video of which can be found in a V4 preview video I can't loveing find.) for our incredible league, but was to intimidated by our omnipotence to ever send it. We had it all. A good 8 members to sometimes make a sort of planned event every weekend, random screenshots of stunting, being posted to the Sim-Monsters Gallery (that should make a comeback.), even... uh... hm... Some... things... But then one day... it just kinda stopped. Everyone stopped caring. So let's relive some of the greatest moments in RoR history as found on my old imageshack account: Hey Denny, this was technically an S-M sanctioned league. I should have a win added from it to my SSRS standings >.> EDIT: What a magnificent 1,100th post
  8. My bad, never say anything about it in anything other than this ad, didn't think it was anything special. Do you think it meets monster x tours safety requirements? I know their more lenient than monster jam (atleast I've been told that. )
  9. At that cost, I doubt its even remotely up to date compared to most other trucks on the circut.
  10. All putting HotWheels in water got me was rusted axles
  11. I don't really know but.... I think he ended up just retiring. Reptoid was for sale a few months ago I think, maybe a bit more recently.
  12. All i used was Premier Pro CS2, some editing, and an overlay.
  13. Or make gifs using a video editor, avoid time restraints, and watermarks. Gif
  14. I don't exactly see how saying that the track is an incomplete .zip file, when it is an incomplete .zip file is more ignorant than saying it's fine, when it isn't. But whatever.
  15. It actually is missing things, if it isn't why can't multiple people run it without being told it is?
  16. I've got some friends that are helping atm, if i can't do anything, I'll contact you
  17. Ugh. My Beau 4x4 pack literally stopped working all together for no reason, i didn't install, or delete anything, and last week I had none of his sounds working.
  18. What'd you do to fix it? I'm currently having the same problem.
  19. For me: Remove Retro Rocker (plz) Add that customs pack thing if you feel so inclined. Ta.
  20. ...He hasn't been working on it all year. He's had it as a WIP for over a year, but there's been huge gaps where f*** all progress was made.
  21. I think this area of the body needs a fair bit of work done The weird black cut out things continue on underneath the logo (which is missing from yours) The rust/whatever it is could really go for being less perfectly uniform. It looks... odd like that. This last thing is really just nit-picking, but maybe make the lightning a bit more yellow? Yours seems oddly white... Other than that It's looking pretty good.
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