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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. May 31st. All this is because we switched to a year-round(ish) format. Basically, I get two weeks off in October, the same winter break, and a two week spring break.
  2. Name: Mason Watts Aim: mighthesitate@gmail.com Rank: Silver Truck: Fired Up
  3. I started the 31st of July ._. Might be here, sounds fun definitely.
  4. The issue is that anything people want to see, that we know how to do, has already been done.
  5. No, you need to open the body in blender, apply the texture, export it and the place it onto the truck in a new truck file.
  6. My music taste is mainly a mix of metal and punk. pretty much the only concerts I go to are Disciple, The Letter Black, Thousand Foot Krutch and few others of the sort. At least in that type of music dress-code gets maxed out at a leather jacket. And what I was saying on the Jumping around like an idiot part, yeah there are times for that... but not really all the time. And if your set is like that all the time then you may want to write at least one song that doesn't require that. (I sure as hell couldn't do all that for a hour)
  7. Not necessarily.. For point 1: Your supposed to "dance" as best suited for the music playing. Let's say the difference between Stage Presence on "Good Riddance" and "Brainstew." Both are but the same band, but you dont see Billie Joe Armstrong jumping all over the place in "Good Riddance" as much as in "Brainstew"... For point 2: I play in a heavy grunge band and a pop/punk band. I always wear the same T-shirt and the same black jeans when performing. same can be said for many bands... the only "idiotic clothing" i can think of comes from Nikki Minaj and Lady Gaga.
  8. It went well, a few hold ups, and the other two co-owners had internet problems that forced them to not be able to run, but me and a few other were able to host it without hardly anything but a few errors. Oh Yeah, Dalton had a save I wish I recorded. Reversed a wheelie all the way down the giant dirt hill.
  9. Even Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avfz83YCXlifdHRMODg1MmhvY005U2R1b1VqUklFU2c#gid=0 NOTES: Chat will be kept a bit more under control... anything else?
  10. Mason Watts I'm on a phone, my aim is too complicated to get right Ragin steel untill retro rocker is finished
  11. War exists, famine exists, racism exists, doesn't mean they should. owned
  12. The way I see it, if a member has enough of a problem to downvote a post, they should be making a post to explain it anyway right?... right?............ Oh yeah, no it would just be used as a wall for people who don't actually want to give criticism, but just don't like a project.
  13. Last time I did a battle of the bands it pretty rigged. Bands would be judged on how many people show up, so they would invite 100 people, and then make them all leave so that everyone else has no audience. Good job though, and yeah, stage presence is 90% of the reason ill go to see a band. And 55% of communication is with the audience is done through what they see.
  14. I think I remember the one you are talking about, haven't been able to find it recently. Wouldn't be surprised if someone picked it up.
  15. I think we're about to turn this into a Datsun thread... but thanks for the advice. I'm also looking into maybe an older 510 (way rarer and more expensive) or maybe on a separate route a MK2 Celica(Supra)... And good luck to your friend. Sucks to hear I guess to contribute a bit more to the thread here's a few other cars I like... As mentioned above: The MkII Celica Supra (along with any other Supra... ever.) Datsun 510 (wagon is just as good as any other )(also mentioned above) Toyota MR2, especially the last generation Spyder. Grandparents drove one (believe it or not) and that was such a fun car. Even Datsun Pick-ups can be fun. Mclaren anything I'm sure there are far more, but I won't stop ever if i don't there.
  16. Well in that case, I guess it's off to stalking the "Datsun" search on Craigslist and figuring out how to work on the things (I literally have no clue. I may or may not have been raised in suburbs...). That being said, a guy down the street from me has, and I'm not kidding, a Nismo tuned 370Z which his wife drives, an S13 he's tuning (maybe to drift? no clue), and he's restoring a 240Z himself. He'd probably know how they work... Really sucks that I'm too lazy to introduce myself. EDIT: Just remembered these suburban "Home Owners Associations" don't take kindly to beat up, not running cars sitting in your driveway... Time to learn how to fix a car in ~1 month. (they're just fine with it if it moves... but if it doesn't run then it's obviously WAY worse looking EDIT 2: Also don't have a manual to learn on, considering it's quite likely whatever transmission it is, it isn't a CVT out of a freaking Camry.
  17. BTW Pit. Where would you suggest looking for a (very) cheap (near) running Z car/Datsun with a regular (not salvage) title near Louisville? Maybe I can make my dream a reality in the next few months
  18. Why should it be free? The creators have spent a lot of time on this, and have made sure to model it based off of what people want. With all the hours of hard work that they put into it they deserve to make money off of it.
  19. beamng.com/alpha is the only way to get the full game. Yes you need to pay for it. the tech demo (beamng.com/techdemo) is free but comes with one car, one map, no customization, and you can't add anything to it.
  21. Well fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Could have been worse I guess.
  22. Turbo ad on trailer better not mean a Turbo edition Bigfoot.
  23. 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown is one of the few tv shows I still watch... And considering I'm American and need to wait for someone in the uk to upload it it YouTube, that's saying a lot.
  24. Anything that says this on it:
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