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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. I never realized Bigfoot #8 was front-engined... How did I miss that?
  2. In all seriousness... that's Taurus, right?
  3. No... I really doubt that was monster jam. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was a different promoter. EDIT: Just remembered i know of two promoter incidents. One with Samson (?) one with Crushtation, neither of them were FELD to my knowledge.
  4. Happened on a track Julio made, don't know if he fixed it or not.
  5. Great event to everyone who ran! Exciting racing ended with Daniel Donnelly taking the win, and while most freestyles were short, they were very exciting, and ended with a three way tie between Blair, Danniy and I. Here is a link to the finals points where Johan Seminario took the points win.
  6. File Name: Freedom Hall Custom File Submitter: mason67 File Submitted: 04 Oct 2013 File Category: Tracks Oh gosh this track. Credits: I really dont remember anything other than Marks cars and stadium, and textures. Track X will come out later. This track will be used for the opening of DJM Racing Season 1. Click here to download this file
  7. 529 downloads

    Oh gosh this track. Credits: I really dont remember anything other than Marks cars and stadium, and textures. Track X will come out later. This track will be used for the opening of DJM Racing Season 1.
  8. I think my request sent... Rorfan on psn (damn you psn for not letting me change my name) NavySonicShell on social club
  9. I guess people haven't seen how old this thread is, nor the fact I never actually got to doing any of this because I sucked at texturing.
  10. NavySonicShell

    iOS 7

    Got it, not a big fan of how it's set up... I'm sure ill get used to it, but honestly, not too big of a fan.
  11. NavySonicShell

    iOS 7

    Don't have it yet... Looks quite a bit like android though IMO...
  12. Pre-ordered it a few weeks ago. looks like a lot of fun.
  13. Sign ups are open! Name: Mason Watts Truck: Retro Rocker 2013 http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1069-retro-rocker-2013/ Aim: mighthesitate@gmail.com Song: O God Save us All- Disciple
  14. I'm pretty convinced it's because the tires you put on it it weren't included in the file. The reason you drove Obsession is because in your original sign-up you said you'd use it if 9/11 hadn't been approved yet. If I'd been paying attention you wouldn't have even been given a shot at using the truck since it has to be a Sim monsters download link to be allowed in.
  15. Copy the soundsources section from one truck and paste it over the soundsources of another.
  16. You need to move the files WITHIN the .zip file in the V4 pack. then you need to clear/regen cache.
  17. Burnout 2: point of impact. Blue SUV. First "Crash" level of the game. T-bone Semi at full speed. Fall through floor and fall for eternity.
  18. Exactly what Devin said. Mason Watts mighthesitate@gmail.com Retro Rocker 2013
  19. Yeah well iPad 2 screens suck. (seriously I can't make that out on the damn thing) Atleast it's still a tire pun.
  20. Nice job, SIR. (I now really hope that that's an sir like I think it is.)
  21. So I had most of this typed out then I hit backspace and went to the previous page. The new post will probably be slightly less welcoming as I am now not as happy. WELCOME TO DJM RACING SEASON 1 This is the official sign-ups thread for DJM Racing's first publicly open season(nosrsly)! This thread does however have rules that are important. and considering 90% of you aren't reading this right now, here is some red, bold, underlined, size 48 font text of what could happen if you don't read these rules, and don't sign-up properly. IF YOUR SIGN-UP BREAKS ANY OF THE GIVEN RULES, WE HOLD THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT DOWN WITHOUT NOTICE. READ THE RULES IT TAKES HARDLY ANY TIME, PLEASE. Reading now? Good. RULES First off, if you haven't read our official season rules, please do so HERE (at least go for the "comedy" of Devin Doss) Second, This league will allow the people who sign up with custom trucks to choose what song will play in the background of their freestyles in videos (rules on that a bit later). Replica, and Replicustom trucks do not get this privilege, and must use the same song as the truck would in real life. Songs are generally free for all, but no meme, or comedy songs (i.e. Gangnam Style, Thrift Shop, The whateverthehell you call that tolololol song) are allowed. Seriously, if you wouldn't play it for a real truck, we aren't playing it here. If someone made a custom of a replica, and is signed up with it, you may not use the regular truck, or vice-versa. If you are using someone else's custom, you need to make sure that you have permission from them to use it. Please follow the format for sign-ups Sign-ups open right after the last pre-season event, this Sunday. FORMAT Name: Truck: AIM: (don't just say one of us has it) (for any non base V4 trucks add) Download Link: ONLY FOR PURE CUSTOMS Theme song of choice (With link if possible):
  22. Remember... Hot-wheels is owned my Mattel... We don't need a Barbie VW Beetle driven by Madusa with 10x the amount of makeup on than anyone should ever wear...
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