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Everything posted by Gabe2304

  1. Yes, with 37.126 because it used the RoR site to download the files. 37.177 shouldn't have this problem since all the needed files are in the zip. When I install that 37.117 it says something about an exception or error after it checks that DirectX is installed. However it continues to install the files, yet the game does not work (says something about an exception). Oh well, I figured I could re-install the game. I saved all my maps and vehicles so I'm not too worried. Maybe it's time to go back to 39.5 or upgrade to 4.5. I'm sure that would make Eric happy.
  2. ^^Can't get rid of links on mobile, will fix later on desktop ^^ They misspelled Meents with a "z". Also this:
  3. Well ... I uninstalled my game. (Or rather deleted all the files since the uninstaller wouldn't work.) I tried both versions that RKM uploaded as well as a .zip I had of .37.117 and I couldn't get any of the 3 to work? Could it be that I'm installing the game files to my mechanical hard drive while the mods are located on my SSD?
  4. Ctrl+S or Exit out of the .truck file and select the "Save" option.
  5. So do you think I should just reinstall it?
  6. Yes, I searched the forum before making this topic and nothing seemed to work. So the sounds in my game (.37) randomly do not work. It seems everything in my "smv4" folder (which is 10 gb) doesn't have sound but all the stand alone trucks do. I tried deleting un-needed soundscripts/.wav files, clearing/regen cache, checking sound sources on the PC and the config, overwriting sounds, adding Beau's alternative sound files, and running the game in compatibility mode. That's everything I could think of doing. I'm using Windows 10. The game has worked fine for months until now. Is there any known fix or should I just re-install? Here's my RoR log; https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byk1YWqWJy3bV2dWN3FDc2YtR1k/view?usp=sharing
  7. Those side pipes look good with the Avenger body. And I'm assuming you've never heard of Colt Cobra? Or know that the driver's name is supposed to match the truck because that's part of the act that Bigfoot does with Snakebite?
  8. I'm on a Windows 10 PC and the install for .37/.39.5 worked fine for me. However I believe both versions are running in compatibility mode. Anyway, nice to see ya on here Ryan! I've been following your build for a while.
  9. I hope Darron doesn't get fired. That's what, the second crash this year? Photos: Nick Migues
  10. If it was finished it would be available for download and/or posted in Show Your Projects. Please stop asking.
  11. Fanatic is looking pretty sick even if the grille decal looks weird on that body.
  12. Or maybe see if anyone would be willing to take over some of your projects so you have less to worry about?
  13. I'm pretty sure Dalton was, but that was a while ago. It was an orange chassis that looked like Kevin's truck. I have a few pictures from like 2012 when he first debuted the steel body on his old chassis if you want them. Fern Blue Thunder is looking awesome! Can't wait to see it all shiny in-game!
  14. Aren't you like the 3rd person to work on making this? Edy, Dalton and now you? Not complaining, just wondering. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
  15. I wanted it to hence the black outline/shadow. Without it I felt it blended in with the red too much. I added some of the primer on top of the logo to try to make it clash less.
  16. There's a lag spike because the logs have so many verts. That's why I suggested he cut down on the verts.
  17. If there's a body for it, yeah. I got a bunch of reference pictures doing photography at a show a few weeks ago. I'm all set.
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