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Everything posted by SybilSixx66

  1. Just map it to whatever texture you want in blender and viola. Or, if you're hell-bent on using the original texture, set the folder options to display files with a thumbnail, sort the files by type and look through the .png files until you've found it. Lemme know if that works for you And @ Ice Cream: what program are you using for image editing? I might can help with that too
  2. That just made my day. Truck looks awesome, DF! Will you be making Marvin's version as well?
  3. HMU sometime, John. I wanna talk to you about getting some custom treads done up for ol' Outrage. And yes, I will be doing more work on it once certain eehrm... resources become available. *coughfiberwerxsilveradocough*
  4. ^^^ I like the sound of that! Unfortunately, I've scoured the only decent you-pull-it yard around here several times and the only nissan anythings have either been completely raped for parts or was in a front-end collision, same as mine. Plus, they charged me $20 each for a pair of headlights. Plus, it looks more like the aftermath of a mix between a demolition derby and a mud bog out there. You'd have a better chance of getting snake-bit than finding what you need/want. It's ridiculous...
  5. I think I kinda see it! Anyways, my uncle came over today to look at it, and we now know it's either the timing chain or a piston is off. He said my four most likely options would be: A: Buy the parts, tear down and rebuild the engine with said parts B: Run to Texas and kick Demko's ass C: Scrap it D: Buy and install a crate engine yeah, I can't afford any of that.
  6. Uhm, not sure I'm your type bro, sorry. Uhm, yeah, I'll just be... uhm... yeah... Just kidding around, but yea So we found out that it's likely the bearings in the alternator, and my uncle got a lifetime warranty on it, so we just bring it in and they'll hand us a new one. Now all i gotta do is figure out how I'l: A: put gas in my mom's car B: figure out if my left ear is infected or if I'm now deaf on that side.
  7. Came from O' Reilly. The car is a 1995 Nissan Altima that got punched in the mouth. Knocked in the front end pretty good, and bent up the front of the chassis. Got that straightened out and zip-tied a radiator and new fans in it. put in the new alternator and (sort-of) fixed the power-steering though it still gets a little temperamental on cold days. Well, yesterday it made a sound sort of like what a belt grinding over a stuck pulley and lost power. It will still turn over, but it sounds like it doesn't have enough power to start, as well as making a grinding noise. One time it popped while it was turning over, but that was the only time and it didn't appear to do anything as it didn't sound any different than it did before. I'm surprised that thing made it this long to be completely honest. But this couldn't have happened at a worse time. my dad had carpal tunnel corrective surgery on his right arm last Thursday and has been in the hospital all but a day or two since. He's had 3 different surgeries since then and is currently back in the hospital and will continue to have more surgeries daily until all the problems are fixed. No clue how long it's gonna be but they said he'd probably be there through next weekend. Not to mention my mom's on the verge of a break-down because of all this. And as for me, I need some sleep... And yes, that is me in that pic PC posted. Thanks bro...
  8. And I thought PC was the only one who would understand that... Huh... Now if we could only figure out realistic particle effects like realistic tire smoke and grass/dirt flying off the tires, maybe even leave physical ruts in the terrain on each pass! ( yes, I'm joking.)
  9. It shouldn't be the alternator as we put a brand new one on it at the beginning of spring, though I'm not ruling anything out until I can get it looked at; The closest thing I have to a professional mechanic is my step-uncle, and he's out of town on vacation until Monday. On the plus side, we got it towed back to my place just fine, though I can't find my keys now. The only thing I can think of is I dropped them around where the car was, and that place was infested with mosquitoes. I'm still itchy as can be...
  10. Not quite sure, but that looks like a sky box and the "lights" look modeled in using alpha transparency. Again, I'm not sure and I can't play RoR to check it either, so I really have little room to speak. Maybe a time lapse video? It is a beautiful track none the less. Masterful job on it my friend.
  11. Welp, it's another one of these threads. And this may hopefully be the last one for a while. The ol' rust bucket might have finally died on me. I was about 5 minutes from home after work today, and all the sudden I hear this loud noise that sounded kinda like one of the pulleys wasn't spinning the belts, if that makes sense. Right after that noise started, the piece of junk lost all power and I barely made it off the road before it died completely. Tried to crank it back up, and it turned over, but it didn't sound like it had nearly enough power to crank. all the lights still worked, so it wasn't the battery, and I still had over a half tank of gas in the tank, so who knows... touch of irony here, I actually looked at a car on Thursday. It was a White 2008 Chevy Impala with 60,000 miles on it and a 5,000 dollar price tag. I have some lottery tickets in the second chance drawing, so let's see how that goes...
  12. That and the mapping error on the window
  13. I was working on a 2000's version of the Equalizer frame, but I haven't had time or motivation to work on it lately. Never got too far either. Steve, Don't know how long it's been since you've actually posted an MT project, but it looks good. I think you're being unnecessarily hard on yourself, you're better than you think. And I might could do some digging and find the actual sponsors it ran at the time. I know the MJ logo on the rear QP should be a USHRA logo, for starters. Edit: Yep, Monsterphotos.com has decent enough shots of the sponsors and one shot has a list of them as well. (TIP: Ctrl + Mousewheel lets you zoom in or out on webpages, if you didn't know. I haven't been able to find a reset for this) And just in case I forgot anyone, all this sheeit looks great, guys! I wish I could get back into this, but since my copy of RoR crapped out, I just haven't been into modding for this game sadly. Well, that and my brother never gets off the only machine that can/will run RoR since he got his laptop destroyed by viruses and stuff. And get your heads outta the gutter you filfthy perverts, he was downloading game making files and utilities from places he shouldn't have. He's trying to get it fixed with no luck.
  14. Holy crap, man! Looks real almost! Well, minus the lack of textures on the dirt. I'll say it again, You ROCK!
  15. How has no one mentiond this yet? I used to play this for hours when I was little. Never missed a single duck either. Sucks I can't play it now, as the light-guns don't work with flat-panel or HD tvs. anyone heard of the level 100 glitch? Just recently got into these games too.
  16. Went to a cookout and played sports with my little cousins, then shot off some pretty pooty (damn censor) fireworks. My uncle said they paid over $90 for what they got, and they got ripped off bigtime. The only thing they got more than 3 of were strobes, and we had to quit those for obvious reasons.
  17. It indeed is. Wouldn't raising the block also correct said problem?
  18. Seems whenever I'm bored anything I do only adds to it, so I usually force myself to play some old video game I played to death, or just mope around until I find something So basically: Video games, eating, TV, sleeping, and staring at the walls And to Roach: TMI bro, waaaaay too much info
  19. Been a while since I posted, but HOT DAYUM!!! All o' these projects are lookin' fricken sweet! Df, you never lost a beat my friend. Incredible work as always! And Nascar, I'm probably gonna have to try my damnest to get RoR working again, Memphis is my hometown venue as far as MJ is concerned and I can't wait to tear that place up! Sadly, I haven't been to a show there since '08, so I can't offer any help. Not that you need it though
  20. Hey Matt, I really think that's a fight you want to avoid, and I'll let you all interpret that however you want...
  21. That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw them
  22. You alright bro? I saw the photos on the morning news and it looked just horrible. Good luck to anyone who lost anything.
  23. ^^^^^Hadn't seen that old thing in ages. And The only thing I see wrong with all these BF 19 reps is 'Foot 19 runs a Chevy front clip instead of a Ford. They look good, it's just the wrong grille mostly.
  24. If you think it's so easy, have at it! Seriously bro, you talk a big talk but that's all I'm seeing so far. you want people to do this kinda stuff, take point and lead the masses by example. Show 'em just how easy it really is if it even is. (and yes, that IS meant as a challenge. Your move my friend). Practice what you preach my friend, practice what you preach...
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