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Everything posted by SybilSixx66

  1. Dude... no... BEGONE FOUL THOUGHTS! And Slowcat, you posted the first pic twice.
  2. My only real pre-race ritual is a mad panic trying to connect to the server with everyone threatening to start without me if I can't get in.
  3. Just a couple of my recent models. Made them out of Bionicle sets that I accumulated over the years. The red one is, as you can tell, incomplete as I need another piece to complete the arm that I just can't find anywhere, except in a massive super-store I keep mysteriously finding myself at in a recurring dream.
  4. What paint program do you use? Depending on which one, I know a really easy trick that will allow you to change the color of the logo without having to find a new one, or you could send me the logo you want to use on AIM and I can fix it up for you sometime
  5. ^^Same here. Back a few summers ago while I was hanging with my best friend and his wife (also a really good friend) at their apartment, we would stay up until almost sunrise sometimes playing Battlefront 2 on my 360, much to it's displeasure. these screens look fantastic. I really look forward to seeing this!
  6. Yeah, I know, it's another of these threads... Yesterday My brother and I were going to our grandparent's house for lunch as usual, and just up the hill from my house someone came screamin' into my lane and I had to run off the road to keep from getting hit head on. Only damage this time was my nerves and some dirt on the fender. And now about that dream. Last night I had a dream where I was at an M/T show at my local arena, which in my dream was more like a huge dome but I digress... Anyways, all the trucks in attendance were well known modern trucks that I can't remember at the moment, and a Mr. Tony Farrel driving a tube frame version of the blue and yellow Auto Value King Krunch truck from 1990 and he owned the entire weekend. And right before I woke up, they announced another show the very next weekend. And I was thinking " damn, I gotta get mah tickets!!!"
  7. I'm PM, silly... And don't for the singer from Warrant, Slipknot's bassist, and Dimebag from Pantera.
  8. Damn, another one gone. Godspeed Jeff. Never really listened to Slayer much myself but what I have heard kicked major ass. On a different note, they're gonna have one hell of a kickass rock/metal band up there.
  9. This stuff looks great, guys. Makes me wanna fire up Blender again but me 'n that piece of junk haven't been getting along very well lately... Coconut, when I saw that my first thought was Yeastman's L.A. Supercross that he made for MTM1. One of my all-time favorite tracks in MTM, hands down. And Rock, I'm probably wrong but it looks like you've got Ukraines on 18, or I might need to put my glasses on. But I've said it before and I'll say it again, YOU ROCK!
  10. Don't you mean "Carolina Crusher is doing Bigfoot in the air!!!"
  11. It's on either Rockstar or Cali Kid's chassis and both of which are short-wheelbase designs. Looks surprisingly good, I think. Kinda makes me think of a clodbuster. EDIT: post ninja'd. Talking about the Max-D
  12. Severe storms breathing down my neck and what am I doing? Goofing off in Bin-Edit of course!
  13. Hmmm... I know where some of my money is going...
  14. SybilSixx66

    MTM2Draggers News

    Sorry for the necro-post, but I checked out waybackwhenmachine to see if anything was there, and the site was there, but all that was there was the main forum and possibly the subforums if I recall. Nothing else was active, all the topics and links took me to an error page giving me the usual page not available bs.
  15. Two guys walked into a bar, I walked around it. A man walks into his house to find his wife packing a suitcase.\ Man: What's going on? woman: I'm leaving you, isn't it obvious? man:Now why would you do that? woman: I heard you were a pedophile man: Pedophile? Now that's a big word for a ten year old. My wife asked me this morning if I put the cat out. I said "I didn't know he was on fire." A white guy, a black guy, and a Mexican get drunk one night and decide to go rob the farmer's crops. He catches them and tells them to go into the fields and bring back 100 of their favorite thing and then come back. the Mexican comes back first with 100 Jalapenos. So the farmer says alright, now put every single one of those up your @$$, and if you make one sound I'll shoot you. If you get them all up, you're free to go. He can't even get one up and screams. Boom, he's dead. The white guy is next and he has 100 grapes. Farmer tells him the same thing. He makes it to the 98th one, and bursts out laughing. Boom, he's dead. Well, up in heaven him and the Mexican are talking and the Mexican says "You were so close! What happened?" The white guy smiles and says "I saw the black guy coming back with watermelons!" A man walks into a bar and approaches the counter. The barkeep says "wanna try our challenge? Win free drinks for a month!" The guy politely declines and orders a beer. A few hours later, he comes back drunk and says "Hey, what wash that about thoshe challengesh?" The barkeep smiles and says "Alright, first you gotta bring that fat guy over there to his knees." So the guy grabs a chair and hits the fat guy on the back, knocking him to his knees. He goes back to the barkeep and asks for the next challenge. "Well, there's a Rottweiler chained up out back and he's got a toothache. you gotta be his dentist and pull it." So the drunk guy replies "Why don't you give me the third challengesh while *hic* I'm here?" The barkeep agrees and says "There's a hooker upstairs and you gotta please her beyond her wildest dreams." So the guy stumbles out the back door. for the next ten minutes all anyone can hear is screamin', cussin, barkin, just the worst noises you ever heard! the guy comes back in all cut up and bloody and says "Alright, where'sh the hooker with the shore toofsh?" Alright, I'll end it there before I get too carried away...
  16. *ahem* http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/4000-show-your-projects-chapter-18/page-13 Scroll down to the last post
  17. this again? Please... You shouldn't play games that you aren't ready for, and by that I mean if you can't distinguish fiction from reality, then you have no business playing said games. I was playing M rated games when I wasn't even 10, but I knew they weren't real. Sure, Fable wouldn't translate well into reality, but hell. It's called common sense. You jump out of a crashing helicopter with flames spewing out of both engines and you don't have a parachute, you're not gonna be sniping guys on the ground, dodging bullets and missiles. Sure, that would be one badass sight to see, but lets be real: you're gonna be screaming like a baby, and just praying that something, anything will beak your fall even though you know you're dead as soon as you hit the ground, quite possibly before. And there's gonna be pee flying outta your pants legs right until the end. You take the most hardcore diehard CoD player who's won more titles than most people know exist, and throw him in a real firefight in the middle of some god-forsaken wasteland and see how long it takes him to crap his pants. He may know the moves, but there's quite a difference between pushing a button and pulling a trigger. Emptying a full clip into a 3d model is nothing, but doing the same to a living, breathing, thinking person is another thing entirely. I've heard it gets easier with time, but the thought of that scares me more than actually killing someone.
  18. BS 2000 never ran that body style. Used the previous model.
  19. Nothing to be ashamed of, my friend. You don't stop playing because you're old, you grow old because you stop playing. 'nuff said. Still, it is kinda awkward going up to the checkout counter at Wal-Mart with an arm-full of toys and the cashier is not only younger than you, but even had a crush on you at one point... yes, that has happened to me before.
  20. I haven't heard anything from or about Agosh since he tried to start up that MTM2 league a few years ago. I might have his AIM, but it's been about as long since it was last active. HMU if you still want it.
  21. Used to play that song at the local AAA baseball team's games when they came out to take the pitcher out of the game. Freakin hilarious to watch.
  22. Wasn't that my custom Prowler truck to begin with? And those look sweet Pit! I used to use that Gran Tourismo truck all the time but I never knew it was yours! And that leafer, still sweet even by today's standards...
  23. http://youtu.be/lRU-3ewYaRU ^^ Hard to believe that's a chick singing but it is. Fricken guitar hero...
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