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Everything posted by steiale

  1. You've always got incredibly creative body designs John... Diggin' those Nike Tires as well...
  2. There was a thread already made on this issue earlier this month just so you know:
  3. Asking and Requesting are synonymous with each other, so by asking you are ina way requesting incorrectly if it will be made. Seriously? Look at the last page dude...
  4. Both him and Dillner were there, but as Hornetguy said, they were focused of calling the action for the TV show, which is coming out in late April. Still question why it takes so long for them to do the World Finals, when the FS1 series is out a week later...
  5. Anyone have any pics of the Military Encore Trucks? I'd kinda like to put the bodies together... Also, Kozak if you could tell me what chassis' they're on, that would be great1
  6. Guys, we don't need to clutter up this thread with live freestyle reactions or updates. If you want to discuss freestyle live time, then join Dan's AIM Chat (specific information is in his thread)
  7. Here's my bracket. With MSU loosing today, my March Madness bracket is toast, so hopefully I have better luck with this one... Also, the Front Flip ramp is in Vegas sooo...
  8. Guys, that challonge one is off. Morgan and Brianna would be the last race not Dennis and Chuckie...
  9. Forgive me for asking this, but Young Guns qualifying is before their bracket tonight right? Then they have the main field qualify in between the Young Guns events?
  10. Anyone know if Practice Times have been posted anywhere? Monster Jam posted them last year if I remember correctly, but I haven't seen any yet except for a few drivers posting them on Instagram
  11. And they might just be using Colton's front clip from last year, or the renders were inaccurate...
  12. I bet they're going to have Blackwell drive Doom's Day. He's had a decent season, and aside from a Digger driver, I can't think of anyone that FELD would throw in there.
  13. Dude, you can't say it without showing it... That's just cruel...
  14. I saw a picture of the Pit Party map on Instagram, and the White Madusa Logo was next to a truck. I think it's safe to say that Mahon will be in Madusa in the big show
  15. Please use this form when making requests
  16. Check the Disable Camera Pitching box on your configurator. It's under the Settings->Advanced Tab in .37 and under Settings->Gameplay in both .38 and 0.4.5
  17. Trent posted one a while back on Instagram, but you got the photo shopped BKT's on it, so I give you credit
  18. Here's the issue with all of your posts. You are demanding that these be made for you, and you are not using the requests section. We don't need all of these lists of trucks that you are demanding us to make, and we certainly don't need you to make another one. If you choose to not listen again, you're asking to get banned...
  19. I didn't see Gary Porter in the line up when I looked at it, but I might be wrong...
  20. Can't tell from that angle, but does she have the two flags on the back? Also, the truck looks like it's sitting a little bit too tall, so maybe lower the shocks a bit?
  21. Honesty, I thought Adam would get the Legend style body for Digger...
  22. Is it me, or does he practically have a different body scheme on that truck every other week?
  23. This to me looks like a request for content. If this is correct, then you need to post this in the Requests section of the forum, and use the below guide when doing so.
  24. Please use this guide when making requests.
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