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Everything posted by steiale

  1. Out of curiosity, did you model a new stadium? This one looks like a giant square as there's way too much space on the sides of the track...
  2. For future reference, this would go under the Help & Support section. If you play around with the settings under the different tabs of the configurator, you can speed up your game. I'd tell you exactly which ones, but I can't remember them as I did it a while ago.
  3. Digger #30 looks fantastic, hope she handles as good as she looks! One suggestion is to maybe put Dennis' little fan thing in there (unless he doesn't run with it anymore...) Navy looks great, thanks for all your help with this project!
  4. Echoing what Hagan and bkelley said, We work on projects when we 1. Have time to work on them and 2. Feel like it. It's the same thing for running in events. Everyone here has a personal life outside of their computer monitors. Some are busier and more involved than others. Now, when people beg, sometimes it's the same person constantly doing it but other times it's a build up of multiple individuals asking one time that adds up into constant begging. You'll get that truck or track eventually, but you need to be patient. Just because something might look done in the SYP thread doesn't mean that it is in fact done and ready for release. Now, you say that people need attitude adjustments around here, and I agree. But, you can't throw that out there unless you yourself are willing to fix yours, because calling me stupid and demanding that I leave this site is uncalled for, and incredibly disrespectful. Making one mistake doesn't make you automatically hated. Most of the common mistakes that we see are simply because people don't tour the site to understand where things are, what each section is for and where posts should be made. In some cases, members will post and try to help out the new folks, but when they blatantly disregard everything they were told and make the same exact mistake again, our irritation levels with that person increase. A lot of us turn into backseat mods to help out the official guys with controlling the site and helping out the new guys.
  5. I also believe that stricter policies need to be put in place on this issue. I'm not a moderator nor do I hold any position on this site, but I do try my best to ask people to stop begging to help out those authorities. We've had way too many repeat offenders, and warnings and suspensions really should be given out more often. It's bad enough that we have people constantly begging, but when they deny it and lash back at people who ask them to stop and go as far as calling them stupid and asking them to leave (That happened to me, see the Dragon Thread...), they've crossed a line. I've made content for the site, but it's nowhere near the quality of some of the other works on this site, so my stuff isn't necessarily "in high demand" for me to have to deal with noobs begging for my stuff, but I totally get the fact that it's annoying (It's annoying for me to read the public posts...) and that things really should change around here because of it. I'm curious to see if any off these kids will actually take time to read this thread and if they'll even try to chime in and in a way "justify their crimes".
  6. What'd he break? I never remember hearing anything about this officially, but I did notice England in Toro and started speculating
  7. steiale


    Again, like I said in your last request, please use this form when making requests:
  8. In Cinncinati, Daron Basl drove Rotty on David Smith's King Krunch chassis and Aaron has NEA on the Matedor/Rotty chassis.
  9. Might be able to make this one Alex Steinhaus alexsteinhaus@yahoo.com NEA
  10. CVH will be driving Pablo's Digger 28 in Allentown. He also got a key to the city. Becky will have an Orange ETL body on her chassis also in Allentown PA.
  11. Look in the Show Your Projects 47 Thread. Blaise currently has the truck almost completed. In the future however, please use this forum when making requests:
  12. Just so you know, this needs to be posted in the Help & Support section of the Forum.
  13. Alex Steinhaus alexsteinhaus@yahoo.com Grave Digger #29
  14. I don't normally comment on files, but this one definitely deserves it. This truck has become my favorite truck to drive in RoR. It handles like a dream, and looks amazing. Great Job Blaise on this amazing truck! I've found my "Soul Digger"...
  15. So I've been working on starting up the World Finals 17 FS Encore trucks. So far, I've only painted the bodies. These are on a place holder truck so yes, I know they are on the wrong chassis (Kozak has helped me with ID'ing the chassis used IRL). Also, the bodies will be getting a few tweaks based off of what I saw in these pics. Blake is helping me with the exporting and other Blender stuff since I can't do that stuff.
  16. Edy, who would you rather please: 1) The insert multiple rather negative adjectives here noobs or 2) The caring, detail oriented, patient, feedback providing "veterans"?
  17. Then if you think it looks good, keep it for yourself and don't release it because we are going to make comments to help you make better looking content. If you can't accept our critiques, then you shouldn't be releasing content and even critiquing others work. Also, I think Stephen's tone was a little bit harsh and could have been brought down a bit. It's showing progress, and if they say there done (Which Alan didn't say, Blake did), give them nicer feedback instead of tearing them down...
  18. In the current release, Body was WAY too far forward. Since you have it on an angle, I can't tell if it has been fixed with this new release, so if you could address that, it would look even better.
  19. Hey Fern, You wouldn't mind making a 2015 Gray Max-D on the CRD chassis would you? Everything looks great, but I think Jared's beadlocks should be a bit darker, and Colton's gold a little lighter...
  20. On Cole's digger, the purple is way darker, and not as shiny. Maybe work on the spec map a bit? Also, they literally just painted the entire rim purple, so that means that the beadlock bolts aren't silver. You might as well take rims with no beadlocks and use those for the full effect... Also, Mark's rims look almost red, so maybe do a better color match with the body? Another Also, did you model new swaybars for #30? I don't think I've seen them before and they look much more accurate.
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