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Everything posted by steiale

  1. We already disproved this a while backDoesn't say anything about him driving in Puerto Rico so I'd like to know where you found it. He's driven before in the European shows, but he hasn't driven off of that continent. Again, already established a while back that the truck wouldn't go away. Also to go along with what maxdfan said, the word choice is a little disrespectful. You asked us what happened to Chad a while back, and we answered your question with that information. Ok, this wasn't mentioned before so thank you for the original information. Bottom line, you can't go around repeating information that was already said and expect to be taken seriously around here. It doesn't take all that long to go back and look at what has been posted. We don't just talk about Monster Jam on here as a few of our members work with teams that run on other tours and we talk about all Monster Trucks here on SM. You don't have to be an expert on the Monster Truck Throwdown tour or the Monster X Tour, but you should know at least something about them.
  2. Ryan Huffaker usually has been out of the seat because he's in school and he usually drives one show a year if not more, so he most of the time isn't driving. I might be wrong but that's how it's been the past few years so someone can correct me if I'm wrong!
  3. Congratulations buddy! Not sure what the policies are on this but you should maybe throw a Sim-Monsters sticker or something on the truck. Just a thought...
  4. Jester is not a FELD truck. It is independently owned. Lumberjack is also an Indie *EDIT - Whoops, Didn't see Danny's post...
  5. The Jester Team's Instagram says that the team now has 5 BKT tires along with the old set of Goodyears and a bunch of other parts
  6. I'll Paint Excaliber if I can get the bake and such! Great work Andrew and can't wait to see what you've got for it Demko!
  7. Got 2 new videos for you all. First up is my Max-D Front Flip using Trenton Ray's modified Max-D on SSRS Cincinnati 2014 FS Final Video is my new RoR Wow Factors 2 Video: ENJOY!
  8. Eyyy Noah! Welcome back man! Hopefully you can stick around a little longer...
  9. No offense @TheRetroStyle, But you seem to live in the present way too much and don't consider the past AT ALL when you're analyzing. O'Donnell has always been a great driver as he's won quite a few stadium racing titles over the years driving multiple trucks, plus his performances from the WF like Mason mentioned. It's not a huge upset when he beat LeDuc because he's done it before at some point. My main point is that you can't just use what you've seen in the most recent season and use that to label a driver. Some drivers just have better years than others but you have to take history into account.
  10. Looked on Monster Jam's Website and a few line-ups are posted. The #MMJ Tour Stops and Line-Ups that Nick posted to start the thread are accurate to this point, but they are the only ones up.
  11. I know that it was mentioned in the Fail Pics thread, but I recently fixed my computer and am back to playing RoR. One problem I'm having is that certain props (I.E. axles, chassis, etc.) aren't showing up in game. It was said that maybe my computer is out of memory. Is there anyway to fix it?
  12. Thought so. Also on the subject of chassis, what Digger is Adam on? Doesn't look like #30...
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Mike Vaters Sr's chassis that Evo is on?
  14. Carolina Crusher has BKT's for Philly. Also, one of the Instagram idiots said that JP Ruggiero was fired for an affair but DanDon commented that it was far from the truth. Dan, could you elaborate on this to a more intelligent audience?
  15. Pretty sure McDonald was driving it in Australia but I'm not sure. They might have took his chassis that Cynthia Gautier drove in Manila and are throwing a black body on it for him, or they're keeping the orange one on for Mark List. Or something else IDK.
  16. Also looks like the Basl Brothers are back in the Flame Motorsports chassis for Mexico. Personally I like the look of NEA on the Race source with the black rims. Looks meaner.
  17. Would rather see Blue Thunder on the Eastern Tour, but it's nice to have both Dalmatian and Rotty coming to Milwaukee. Can't wait for next year's show!
  18. Since the other thread is locked, I'm gonna post my thoughts on Fern's FS1 trucks. No disrespect to Gabe, but I'm pretty sure he used the smaller V4 flags as opposed to the updated and bigger flags like on Equalizer 2014. The Superstore has new pictures of the flags to use, but for realism we should use the newer flag model. Also the flag shouldn't be on an angle but more straight up.Sponsor Panels are important! I see too many replicas with out them and it's a bummer when they don'tGood job on the Stone Crusher with the different rims, but I think the red should be a little bit darkerNot sure if things were placeholders or you were in the process of working on them but they all look really good and I can't wait for the final product!
  19. If I remember correctly there was a box that you might have unchecked that would have the game automatically add those folders to your Documents. I don't know if adding them manually would actually work so you might want to simply reinstall .38 and make sure you carefully read each check box or all of the options.
  20. I'm pretty sure that there's a Northern Nightmare flag in Gabe's flag pack that's accurate.
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