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el toro loco fan

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Everything posted by el toro loco fan

  1. i havent read this whole thing through yet but i have a truck that can be relesed if thats what you mean i know people will like it , and you have a really good idea from what i made
  2. https://www.facebook.com/MatthewIsonPhoto/photos/a.393961224012029.90152.393942437347241/757410274333787/?type=1&theater here is a good shot of the side you can see some good amount of color
  3. here are the shows im going to so if anyone needs pics look at the line ups 1/31/2015 San Diego California 2/7/2015 Anaheim California 3/26-28/2015 Las Vegas Nevada 4/11/2015 Santa Clara
  4. is there still time for me to sign up ? and it looks sick
  5. personnlly in my opinion RockCrwlr and acdc make the best looking trucks andrew makes the best bodies and there are a few other great people out there but i found out its better just not to ask all of them as far as i know are working on a truck or track so that may be why another thing is they have lives / and are already working on the trucks it just takes time
  6. [TRUCK] Fox sports 1 CLEATUS ( Name: Cleatus Body: f15o -with extended cab Chassis: Paint (images of color/graphics): https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS533US533&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=fox%20sports%201%20cletus%20pictures Other details-http://www.monsterjam.com/Bios/Trucks/Cleatus/
  7. are those new beadlocks ? they look much more detailed
  8. just had a question if someone could tell me what this song is , i know monster jam has used it thanks http://www.foxsports.com/video?vid=376327235652
  9. i made one but outlaw had to check it out first i guess
  10. here is a link to some facebook photos they are decent not sure if you can use it though https://www.facebook.com/820791597984637/photos/pcb.823773264353137/823772574353206/?type=1&theater
  11. hard to tell no headers yet and cant see if there is a second sway bar in the front but like everyone else razin kane ?
  12. when i go to open after it gets done downloading nothing happends
  13. i downloaded .39 . exe setup that is right , right ?
  14. Name: Monster Mutt variants. Body: 1951 mercury / new style body Chassis: PEI, Cohen Paint (images of color/graphics): none Other details: me and my buddies asked candice jolly at world finals why she wouldnt try a backflip , she replied saying that her head was to close to the top of the chassis and she might be switching to the new body that rottwiler uses anyways wanted to know if someone could make a skin or png for me so i can make the truck thanks ! .
  15. im guessing the .38 truck pack will work on it or any trucks will work ? also can i get the link to download please?
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