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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. ^ And every page will be stuck together in a month.
  2. or the drivers told them about it since a few of them are members on here.
  3. It's hideous.... But then again, so is the real truck. Good job mate.
  4. That's not a private truck. Plus it has been made countless times, but not releasesd
  5. um...dont mean to sound rude, but I dont think you can Claim a REPLICA for a league. A custom truck sure, but saying that some one needs your permission to run a replica truck sounds a bit absurd. nice job on the truck though.
  6. There aren't any advailable that work with the current content.
  7. Eric's right earth is constantly pelted with meteors. Most end up in the ocean.
  8. Bout time someone re did my Hall Bro's chassis. Some how mine got twisted during all the exporting and importing I had to do to get it from Inventor, over to blender. Also it never really was a true replica since I based all the measurements off the Raminator model. Looks fantastic Kozak!
  9. vary nice Michael. The top one has some big old buggers that need to be ground down, but other wise nice work.
  10. Bailout in its final stages... all thats left is to add the sponser plates, the rear firewall, and the windshield.
  11. Qualifying position doesn't mean jack on race day... Honostly... I'm just hoping Robbie Gordan finishes a few races on the lead lap this year...
  13. It''s a Chicago style right? In that case, just roll up the ramp a tad, then let the truck roll back till the tires are at the base where the ramp meets the floor mesh...
  14. Paulken or Huffaker at wf8 over the fountain bread truck deal.
  15. Corvettes have always had 4 round tail lights. The switch has angered some die hard Corvette enthusiasts.
  16. I voted for a mostly Baja/Score International based game. I would love to race the entire Baja 1000/500/250 and other tracks...
  17. blown income is getting a PEI/Flame Hybrid Chassis. EDIT: Now in game Chassis by Kozak.
  18. favorite part is the recycled camaro taillights
  19. That's awesome. So glad that Daron is getting an invite to the young gun Shootout. But now I'm confused by feld. First Time I saw Daron drive was in 2005.
  20. You obviously know nothing about the truck. King Krunch runs on a Racesource chassis built by Paul Huffaker. David had to heavily modify the frame rails to get the king shocks to fit.
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