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Everything posted by LordFrosting

  1. Amen. Sadly us purists will never have our thirst quenched
  2. Hopefully better than the last one? Is it coming to PC on launch?
  3. What are some moments or quotes that you think were Iconic or that you just always loved. I have a couple, One: if it doesn't start at the right time it's 1:20-ish Two: 2:51:36 I'd like to see what are your favorite moments or Quotes!
  4. Maybe if you can(not sure if you'd want to put the effort into) but maybe give the body more life. Maybe see if you could have little indications of some clouds(Unfortunately not the happy little ones, FeelsBobRossMan) Everything else looks good but might want to adds some more detail to the body. Great looking piece though!
  5. I will thank you anyway. Danke Chon
  6. Yeah that one, if the one Shawn posted works I can use it but I'd like a link to the hideout, since the main thread download link doesn't work
  7. Can someone link me to download the keystone hideout trailer? I lost mine when switching between computers and versions of ror. Funny how the one who started using it first for Monster Trucks asks for the link
  8. Oh okay, it still looks great, the v4 body on that isn't to bad
  9. Is that the v4 Body? Or did you make that one? Looks good though!
  10. I love this track. The Ramp with the car stepup is fun to walk a truck on it's rear wheels all the way up
  11. So I got 0.4.6 and went to configure the settings, but it won't create the folders into the documents 0.4.6 folder. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Edit: it says in an error "can not create file in C:\Users\Name\DOCUME~1\Rigs of Rods 0.4\cache\empty"
  12. *Insert the rest of the Anti-Digger posts here* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Diggers Are great. Solid Work guys I know a lot of them are joke posts about antidiggers, but I wanted to post about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. I like the bodies, wouldn't buy the truck, would rather have the axial even though it's slower
  14. Oooo Mama! Das Pretty. Been a while since Grinder has been touched up, can't wait to see.
  15. Okay I couldn't remember, My B
  16. Isn't the chassis the same as Bounty Hunter? If so maybe try finding one of the Updated BH's and see if you can pull the chassis from there?
  17. That's quite good, looks great and has a nice breaking point. Nice job! Even for a beginning that's amazing, you still have quite the touch, love the work so far. Looks great, I like the design, it's a nice change from professional looking trucks, a nice, slapped together body, reeking havoc on anything in it's path.
  18. Beautiful Piece, nice work to all those that helped make it. Great Concept, perfect execution
  19. Me likey, maybe we could start an RoR Nascar/Racecar league. All we'd need is tracks lol
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