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Everything posted by LordFrosting

  1. I may have said this already(Maybe, I didn't see it but I might be blind), But the GoldBerg Logo seems Low compared to the logo. Overall nice looking piece
  2. I'm surprisingly interested. Looks pretty good.
  3. Was the name like that on the real truck? Seems off to me. Looks good though
  4. I'm not sure what to make of the trailer. If it's good I'd be surprised, I can see it being mediocre, but that just doesn't seem like it'll be anywhere near a good movie.
  5. No need to ask. If he releases it, he releases it. He doesn't need others asking him if he'll release something. But Rock, amazing looking job, man!
  6. This has made a very happy human being. Outstanding job for your first upload!
  7. Awesome Job Man! I love that I can side wall with these trucks! Great Detail. Tracks are challenging, but fun.
  8. Looks Great. Hope this breaks my PC.
  9. Me likey. Always have loved the style and stance of your trucks.
  10. Love the track. Great Job as always
  11. Looks great! Can't wait to use another digger. Love the look of the older chassis Diggers.
  12. Well it's a nice looking truck regardless. I really like the stance.
  13. Some things were messed with on the Ror site. I can't access some pages without and Account and it won't let me create one. Repository should still be okay though
  14. N-labs testing facility. it's on the Ror repository
  15. I can't wait to see what the whole body looks like. I think it sits nice on his chassis
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