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Everything posted by LordFrosting

  1. Now that you mention it, that's not a bad idea. Thanks for imput!
  2. So I thought I'd show this even though I have no intention of uploading this because all I did was slap these different parts together that I had in my SMV4 file. But, I do like the look of it and so I would show this Frankenstein truck I have made. I was hoping to find a good Body from when Tom Meents drove this way back when. But for now I like it, here it is: Any thoughts on how I could make this look better would be appreciated, but you don't have to. (Yes I know the Front Shocks stick through the body but I kind of like the look of it that way)
  3. These were indestructible they said..... Found a Way I did....
  4. What do you mean by make it work. If you can message me pictures and I may be able to help.
  5. You may want to delete everything minus the one you changed and just re download it. Just leave it in a zip folder or you can extract it to a normal file folder
  6. In that case, your SMV4 folder is a Compressed Zip file. When saving it, put .truck at the end of the file name and just place it back into the SMV4 folder from wherever it saved to.
  7. Yeah, it's been out a long while. And the Cars aren't crushable or don't work properly and haven't since 0.37
  8. That looks sweet as heck dude. Top notch job!
  9. Those look pretty sweet Greeny! Can't wait to see what other things you're doing.
  10. That's a Mustard yellow MaxD, not sure if I like it or not. But I agree with mark about the head and fingers. The whole point of the 3D head was to stick out, right? Why make it the same color as the rest of the truck?
  11. That's a pretty truck. The BKT's match well with the scheme.
  12. I almost caught the criminal last year but he threw a candy cane at me and I tripped. This year I have IED's everywhere.
  13. Those look great! Any chance if you get them approved that you might release a pack with hose in there? I was just curious because they look really well done
  14. Okay I just couldn't remember. I have no problem waiting.
  15. That looks so good, I am so excited to get these, if you do release them. I can't remember if you said you would or not
  16. What? Uh, No. Internet does not Equal FPS. I have Frontier, have no issues and works really well for me.
  17. True Good catch. That Truck has been grammatically incorrect for years. Grammar Nazi in me is just not getting the Eye-Twitch ;).
  18. 1) It's Realign 2) Looks great. Amazing work as always!
  19. Those look great! I really like the concept you're creating. A fresh new Idea is great.
  20. : O I'm now wet Nope, I just spilled water on me.... This is awkward
  21. Yes they all work. But, textures will be a bit darker. Only 2 Monster truck Tracks from the RoR respository will work for v4.5
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