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Everything posted by LordFrosting

  1. The error tells us nothing about the issue, it may be an error with ror and the truck, or something else. I have no idea
  2. LordFrosting

    error 5

    Most likely, you don't have the parts you need to open the truck. Need a little more info. though to help you
  3. Lemme get this question out of the way..... Do you have SMV4? Plus a lot of trucks these days don't have all of the parts it needs, when others do. So Best suggestion, download tuns of trucks I'm sure someone knows what truck(s) have the part(s) you need
  4. I still use dem keyboard things. Still works for me
  5. Damn. That Chuchorial is inspiring. Also Such mechanical looking steering. Did you put some energy drink in with the lucas oil?
  6. What. I havent been able to see the last 4 WF due to not knowing where i can go to watch it. Besides actually going to Vegas.
  7. have you moved some tracks and trucks over to .39? I use .39.7 so a little more info would help
  8. love it. Can't wait. I was hoping someone would make it because it was one of my favorite trucks
  9. YES PLEASE!!!!!!!! Lookin good so far Andrew.
  10. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/184-guide-requests/
  11. You need beau's sound pack. It's in the downloads section under scrapyard
  12. I agree with rock. Itll have a lot, but nothing in the near future will beat v4.
  13. You're not alone fern. It looks really good hagan!
  14. *REALLY LONG POST WARNING* I got a few obsessions at this time. 1)BKT's 2)Campers(Won't be shown) 3)Wilman Chassis trucks 4)Max-D(That's nothing new)
  15. It'll tell you in the error whats missing. Its best to download a lot of trucks so you have most every part. You can also look in the scrapyard for misc. Parts you may need
  16. I would like to have this outlaw pls Edit: Can you get rid of the extra post? for some reason it double posted way after
  17. Wow. Just wow. 5 straight (at least, I'm not looking for more) incorrectly formatted requests.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEm7mwU4MQE&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qJmib5NVwo&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOYvbLPCB8o Why not?
  19. That is a sexy car there Stephen
  20. I'm getting excited with that Project. Looks mean. Great job ACDC!
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