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Everything posted by Helvigster

  1. In French, they call Canadians Canadiens, and since Montreal is based in the French speaking Canadian province of Quebec, they call them the Canadiens...
  2. i'm blind. alright, that's a bad excuse. i saw but then i forgot.
  3. Helvigster

    The Wall

    Filing a complaint against this track. Nah, jking.
  4. my last computer was getting slow downloads before the screen broke. rip. ew, madusa chassis.
  5. 1. What if I'm dumb I can't comprehend with the tutorial? 2. What if it takes ages to download Blender? 3. What if I don't know what a chassis is? 4. What if I don't know what props are? 5. What's OgreMeshTool? 6. What's RoR? Alright, I was joking on all of those. I don't want to start actually creating content yet. I want to learn how to clone simple V4 trucks first, just to get the feel. Then, when I'm ready, I'll get started on content creating. Or maybe I won't. I still can't download any new trucks or tracks. It takes too long to download something simple.
  6. tbh the only thing i'm doing to it is removing the aap logos and i might at bkt's. i'm using grinder and some other v4 trucks probably to give me confidence in future content making (if i even decide to) with blender 'n stuff.
  7. Took a break on the Grinder's. Don't know when I'll be continuing them.
  8. I don't know if I want to or not. If you're so curious though, send me a PM.
  9. See, I would sign up, but @the avenger we got beef :|
  10. News Flash: The last KOTH event was at the end of June.
  11. Alright, well, I'm never gonna mention 0.38 again after what just occurred...
  12. I guarantee you he's gonna be like one of the other new guys and he'll just keep asking people to make trucks alot. I don't have any hope. I'm gonna assume your just new to the website and using Blender, but you know how to use ROR. If you really want to make Xtermigator 2016 without the headache of learning how to use Blender, refer to Zonr's cloning tutorial and Nitro Psycho truck tutorial. Both are on Sim Monsters... somewhere.
  13. You can also try 0.38, which I use, but no one else uses it :|
  14. I think it's alright, but meh... As I said, in my new EP, I might make a song directed towards Max D. I'm actually confused why I started this thread now. I barely know half of theme songs...
  15. Hurricane Force needs a new theme song. Rock You Like A Hurricane doesn't really fit the skill of Hurricane Force.
  16. Monster Mutt Rottweiler needs a theme song change.
  17. Honestly, I don't really wanna tell because my music is trash. It's even worse than the Toronto Maple Leafs. My vocals aren't good, the songs are crap... but meh. Also, all of them are just vocals I added in via some YouTube videos, but I do give credit to the owners (well actually i should put that in the website that i don't own any of the music) If anyone does wanna check it out though, it's on my profile. (ps. my music's mostly hard rock to heavy metal, but i have thrown in some other genres)
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