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Nathan H.

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Everything posted by Nathan H.

  1. WIP but what fired Up would look like if it were ice themed. Welcome Chiller to Sim Monsters
  2. I'll ask rock if I can re-release theh packs but with the breakable settings instead.
  3. Almost there... I can make any truck breakable if you guys want.
  4. This is Digger 11 correct? Driven by Huffaker for a while.
  5. The smv4 .zip can either be extracted to a regular folder in vehicles or it can be left as a .zip file in packs.
  6. Tom Meents: "Grave who? Grave Digger? Who's that?"
  7. Was thinking that maybe the SM v3 pack breakables could be updated for fun! Think I should make a pack of updated v3 .truck files? They will need to be added to SM v3 pack to work though. I know that the rims are wrong color and tires are backwards. I will fix that and update more parts later.
  8. Yeah, I know, I was talking about Smokin' bull as well, I probably should've said so in there.
  9. I may update the parts on this truck after it's approved like I did with the v4 Blacksmith
  10. Skyliner is working on the pain for a repli-custom. Using smv4 Blacksmith for base truck but updated a few parts. Notice: The body is not done yet so I am waiting to add it on to the truck. (Come on let's get some upvotes going!)
  11. Lol wtf?!?!? Watching the replay of a crash I had and thought "Damn that wheel must not of liked his truck it was on.
  12. I can't wait to see these released. I love the camouflage wheels! Hope Smokin' Bull is approved for you quickly!
  13. Okay, I get this, but I was confused because when I see the word Zues I don't think about a Greek God... xD (Have I triggered an argument yet? )
  14. This truck is my custom that I will run in leagues, fun runs, etc. Please ask before you use it in any events. I hope you guys enjoy! Truck Link:
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Here it is! My first repli-custom. The truck is made out of most to all parts used from Lucas Oil Crusader 2015. A lot of the files in the pack are actually still named from the LOC pack because after trying my first attempt I wasn't able to rename without the truck not loading so it still has many LOC files in the pack. I painted the truck again and modfied a few props. I am hoping that the logos are aligned okay as I tried so many times to line them up. For all who were requesting there be clouds and Zeus on the truck I am sorry because I couldn't find a good pic of either. Other than that, I hope you enjoy my first actual truck! Any constructive criticism would be appreciated! Credits: $m@$#3r2016: Painting, Prop Modifying, Testing. Double.D: The original pack and .truck file creator. Original Paint: Chris Body: Klayton Chassis: Kozak Rims: Johan Tires: John Other stuff: V4/4.5/5 people. Thank you Double.D for making the original truck and pack. If you are in any way annoyed by me repainting and posting this, PM me and I will remove it permanently.
  16. Okay, I would love to add that but after using image search I can't really find a good picture of him on Google.
  17. Okay, I know who Zeus is but had no cue because it was misspelled.
  18. I used most parts from Lucas Oil Crusader 2015. It's mostly custom paint so original makers of truck will be put in credits. Oh yeah, what are zues?
  19. Hey, thanks! I'll try to add some clouds that certainly appear to append doom soon. Thanks!
  20. I know the base paint is crappy but how does it look so far? Lightspeed 2016 (Yeah I know the name is cheesy) Anything that you would change such as props or painting or does it look worth releasing?
  21. Name: $m@$#3r2016 Discord: ShockReBoUnD Truck: Lucas Oil Crusader 2015 Link: I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it but I'm hoping I will.
  22. Hey, I anted to know something. If I sign up for a tour, can I use chat only on aim or discord? My parents don't want me talking to people I don't know irl but chat is fine with them. Would I be able to use the chat feature only on aim or discord for leagues and tours?
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