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Nathan H.

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Everything posted by Nathan H.

  1. This pack will be updated this evening or tomorrow. Until then, please be patient.
  2. No, I'm just trying to point out that I didn't think he was trying to make me mad.
  3. How old are you? Not to get personal or anything but your spelling is horrible and you act immature on this site.
  4. This looks amazing, I didn't look at the design and the reason I named it 2017 was because I meant to revamp it with the newest body I could find for RoR.
  5. I incuded this as a beta, I think if you go into the .truck file and go all the way down to flexbodies, and in the ine that says MM17.mesh replace it with MM17Body.mesh
  6. I don't know how to do this?> I use so I don't know how to "convert trucks".
  7. go inot the .truck file and in the engine section change the second line to 3600
  8. I was joking around, we talked about this on discord and I shouldv'e mentioned it was a joke.
  9. Softer tires I made so they could "pop" or roll off the rim easier. The first Breakable is one with a beta flexbody that I made and the second one is breakable parts settings that I added in and prefer better.
  10. Stealing my ideas? I posted a truck very similar to this in SYP about a year ago. Idk why everybody likes the idea now...
  11. Version 1


    This is my first replica truck. This truck is the 2017 (Revamped) edition that I heavily updated from the smv4 pack. A huge shoutout goes to @Garrett Hanson for helping me clone the body and relocating props. Thanks Garrett! This pack includes: Metal Mulisha 2017 Metal Mulisha 2017 Softer Tires Metal Mulisha 2017 Breakable Metal Mulisha 2017 Breakable V2 (Better settings by me) Metal Mulisha 2017 Bodyless Breakable Credits: Me: Cloning parts, painting some parts, editing the .truck files, creating breakable trucks. Garrett Hanson: Cloning tires and body and replacing old body with an updated body. Everything else goes to the v4 pack makers. Make sure to pm me if I forgot to include you. LETS CELEBRATE ALL THE CLICKBAIT LOL!!!! This is not the white edition but it is an updated v4 version. Sorry for all the clickbait. If enough people still want it fixed I can do it right this time.
  12. This looks so much better than my version. I was making this one because when you posted the pic of that one, people started asking me If I could make it breakable. Anyways, great work!
  13. Metal Mulisha Pack is coming. This pack will include: Metal Mulisha 2017 Metal Mulisha 2017 Breakable MM 2017 BreakableV2 MM 2017 Breakable Bodyless MM 2017 Poppable Tires. This picture is of the breakable and bodyless breakable.
  14. That's beautiful. Also, you're killing me, why can't you release one truck before showing off another? I'm dying to see the Rap Attack and ETL Yellow come out.
  15. Thought MAx D could use some luxury colored paint. Toxic 2017 Chrome and ETL Chrome Red and Chrome Red Breakable are now ready to be cloned. Any other trucks you guys want me to do for the Chrome Pack part two just pm me and I'll see what I can do.
  16. Sky said he would put my custom chrome trucks into his packs. They are almost ready... If anyone wants a specific truck to be painted chrome feel free to ask me!
  17. Skyliner sent me the paint so I could make it chrome. I'm helping him.
  18. Get ready to have your minds blown... El Toro Loco 2017 (Chrome Red) (Revamped 2008-2009) Skyliner did the red paint, I painted it chrome, added it to ETL McD Pack, and then repainted parts.
  19. Day one of Max-D Breakables lol I think I'm gonna do a video of this stuff xD.
  20. for recording, multiplayer, and for normal playing.
  21. Let's go guys... 2017 unearths new and updated content... Before After Any suggestions before releasing? I still have to paint DshaftCage and should be finished.
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