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P3ForLife Customs

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Everything posted by P3ForLife Customs

  1. It's kinda hard to tell in these pics but I did crush them some but I'll bring them down some more and that's was the goal with variety but for now I mainly used the one. Again it's hard to tell from my angles but I used a different car in the racing lanes. But to get jump scale and general positioning and size I just copied one car over the whole track. Thanks for the tips tho wont go to waste!
  2. Before you look or tear into me and assault my dreams let me address a couple possible concerns lol: No the jumps AND their paints are not finished or final. The paints are place holders for these screenshots only and for me to get an idea of how it's going The stadium will be as close to accurate as I can personally get it so dont worry about the stadium having incorrect or missing textures etc. Just wanted to show that someone IS attempting to make a better WF 8. Hope you like it so far
  3. World finals 4 (according to my dad but I'm sure hes misremembering and we have no pics) Wf5 - 13 Wf18 6 to 8 Arco/sleeptrain (sacramento) events between 2000 - 2014 Countless fairground shows in turlock A few random events i dont really remember cuz I was too little
  4. So I'm revisiting an oooollldddddddd track idea I had in like 2015/16. It's not finished yet but... Old idea, new look, new name: SPINMASTER SHOWDOWN! A 2 level track where you start above (wf20 inspiration) drop down the track and hit a hard hair-pin. Next challenge is a stoppie, to the line, moonwalk back onto the jump and take off to the next hair-pin. From there you go nice long straight away, then, over a small hill into a j-hook (vegas inspiration) down an insane drop right into a ramp. With enough speed, you hope to either land on or clear the bus stacks. Then top speed into another j-hook in a heated last stand to the finish line over the double! And this is just racing!! (Yes I put a moonwalk challenge in a race, I wanted another, more....challenging....aspect to add to the racing)
  5. That ones way better lol still happy you're gunna put mine to use eventually
  6. Beautiful new paints/versions man! Glad I could help on a couple of these!
  7. Also please watch this line up video and pick your top 24 trucks in the comment section! The 24 with the most votes will go head to head in racing, best trick, and freestyle in my All Star Challenge that will be posted on my channel! You dont even have to subscribe for your vote to count! Although it is greatly appreaciated
  8. Never mind. I had it delete and re-instal a resource folder in program files. I'm testing now but I'm pretty sure my sounds are still gunna be busted..still no fix for that unfortunately. Long story short dont mess with the resources folder. and even more so: dont extract every truck you download for 4 years.
  9. Hey, so. I was desperately trying to get my sounds to work again, doing anything i could think of to try and help myself. One of those things being moving the sounds/soundscripts that werent working from the vehicles folder into the sounds folder in ROR Resources. Once i did that i cleared the cache and attempted to regen and i get this error message EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. If anyone could PLEASE help me out i Really would appreciate it. I have no idea what to even try to do to fix it. I've even tried to go directly to the ROR site forum but the website wont send a confirmation e-mail to either one of my e-mails and i've tried re-sending MULTIPLE times.
  10. I know I know I'm sorry! I feel bad for double posting but I'm really excited about this one and wanna get the word out about this video so I can get some votes down in the comments! Be sure to check the description for a little background info as well! THANKS GUYS AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 😁
  11. Yea i figured that out eventually. But the damage has already been done for 3-5 years and thank you
  12. So, it seems like the issue is that I've extracted nearly every single truck i've downloaded. That being said, my sounds Only work on v4 trucks (GraveDiggerEngine, GraveDiggerStarter only) and the trucks that are still in a zip. So my question is: Is there a way to get my sounds to work even though all my trucks are unpacked? Or am i Screwed?
  13. *Copy and pasted from my description* "Be Sure to subscribe for more freestyles and a 3 tour season series! Each tour will have six shows with 16 trucks. TOUR LINE UPS will be announced November 30th! No official start dates on the tours yet! VOTING FOR TRUCKS to be in the All Star Challenge will be open November 30th and will continue until the Final show of the final tour. Every vote will be counted, but in order to be counted You must and can only vote on the Tour line up video! You can Vote Only for trucks COMPETING IN THE 3 TOURS EITHER AS MAIN FIELD OR SUBS. If your vote contains trucks not in the tour line up video they arent going to be added in to the ASC."
  14. Soooooo my sounds dont work but heres a video.. adding music later
  15. Ooo yikes... thank you I never thought of that tbh
  16. I havent had it exported or anything yet so no testing has gone into it so you may be right and my eyes could be wrong but I went through just before taking these pics to adjust any insane angles. They SHOULD be fine but again no real tests have been done so I could be wrong. I appreciate the feedback!
  17. Best Trick. Night one just about wrapped up, just have to go through for final touches and editing the chalk lines before moving to night 2! HUGE tiny thank you to Chris B for the Stadium!!
  18. Yea I forgot to do that last night before the screenshots
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