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Joey 🅱️

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Everything posted by Joey 🅱️

  1. 6 more...long...days...left...until world finals. Why can't it come faster??
  2. The back of the truck seems way too big. But that's just me. I'm no truck builder, so I can't say anything about it. Great truck.
  3. Next DDS qualifiers are: Ami Houde Tony Ochs and Kayla Blood
  4. First 4 DDS competitors have been announced Austin Minton Brad Allen Cory Rummell and Matt Pagliarulo
  5. What about Colton? He's been a great competitor throughout the season and has competed in 3 world finals events as of now. He's sure to make it in.
  6. Soo I somehow got all my predictions right...I'm honestly surprised. Next set predictions is: Coty Saucier Linsey Weenk Colt Stephens
  7. somebody wants Cory and Brad to be in world finals. Just thought I'd let you know.
  8. Although Rosalee didn't do good points wise (although I don't think anyone here did good points wise either) she did good preformance wise and had great saves at Tampa and Oakland
  9. I mean I understand that he didn't do good this season due to lack of events he was in (cause Dawn and Jimmy took their spots for the first two stops of their tour) but honestly people are forgetting about Eric Swanson I mean he did good in DDS last year and he made it to the finals until he started FS early. He'll be in either world finals or DDS this year.
  10. I'm going to predict the next round of qualifiers are going to be Candice Jolly Marc McDonald Jimmy Creten
  11. I know, and I'm not saying it looks any better.
  12. I'm sorry, but stars and stripes on a mexican-based truck? Doesn't exactly look right. Not saying it looks bad, but it doesn't look right.
  13. Sorry about that, man. It's only pre-season, so not much of a big deal.
  14. idk how df to work with nodes so I might need help with that but f*** it Joey Burgy Pirates Curse Joey 🅱 #4846
  15. Hoping Justin and Morgan win both their series. Really don't want Vinson to win cause there's already enough diggers in world finals and Justin didn't compete last year so he deserves to be in again.
  16. The event last night was a blast! Everything went smoothly, and it ended with Matthew Tyrell defeating Jon Zimmer in the finals, but Jon threw it down in freestyle and got the freestyle win once again! Josh Gajewski came close in freestyle just 2 points shy of the lead! Big shoutout to Time Flys driver Torrin Thorp for getting fourth in freestyle with a great run! See you at the next pre-season event!
  17. I'll be going. First time since 2010.
  18. I’m already driving gas monkey, you need to choose another truck.
  19. Disclaimer: I do know that last pre-season event's qualifying was pretty bad, but I'm hoping to have qualifying go a little smoother this time. Also, I am looking for a server at the moment, and I'm unable to make one myself at the moment. So if anybody has a server I can use, please message me about it. Thank you. -Joey. Last Month, we saw Jon Zimmer double down at IndieJam 2016, with Tyler May coming in close in freestyle with second, and Marcelo Mendoza with an impressive third in freestyle! For the second pre-season stop, we'll be heading to Toronto, Ontario, Canada (I believe it is) for Electric Mayhem! A very tacky course and a freestyle track with crush cars, campers, and ramps that could get you as high as LeDuc at World Finals 15! (I broke my promise) Will we see Jon come back and do as good as he did at IndieJam? Or will someone take the first place away? We'll find out this Friday! Track: Electric Mayhem Link: http://sim-monsters.com/files/file/2381-electric-mayhem/ Rulebook: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TjpqGqpDWibRt3Xg394EJFGsL55OFczXHW6I-UKoxeE/edit Please read before competing in this event. Respect host and officials no matter what. You will get a warning for disrespecting officials. If you continue to disrespect them, you will be suspended. We will be using the rigs of rods version 0.4.6. For this league. Get in and out of game as fast as you can. Whenever you are called in-game, you have two minutes to get in-game, or else you will be skipped and/or on-hold. When an RII is called, you must stop and turn off your truck. If you do not, you will be called done. RIIs will be called in not only freestyle, but as well as in racing and wheelies. Both series will use replica trucks. You can use a repli-custom truck, but no customs. Times: Qualifying Opens: 5:30 PM EST Qualifying Closes: 7:00 PM EST Event Chat Opens: 7:05 PM EST Drivers Meeting: 7:10 PM EST Event Starts: 7:15 PM EST How To Sign Up: Name: Joey Burgy Truck: Gas Monkey Garage Truck Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hbbr9ababsofa89/GasMonkeyGarageWRAWF.zip Discord Name: @Joey 🅱#4846 Qualifying: Qualifying will only happen for Pre-season. 14 trucks will make the field. To qualify you must @ me or an official on discord, and you must be in the qualifying chat between 5:30 PM EST to 7:00 PM EST. Live Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mePrM6MlhjZ-VZoTf3IY8r-peIO1PF2TSoLAQLU4JBg/edit#gid=1563170958 Questions: If you have any questions, message me via discord @Joey 🅱#4846 or on sim-monsters. Please Note: Wheelies will only be in the fourth and final pre-season stop. Just so the event's do not take as long.
  20. I have a convertion of WRA World Finals I, but I don't have the link for it. I might make a mediafire link sometime but as of now I don't think I will.
  21. Joey Burgy Rage http://sim-monsters.com/files/file/2378-rage/ Joey 🅱 #4846
  22. What pisses me off is that this is Reno, NV. Not anywhere in Pennsylvania. Me being a Pittsburgh resident this is very trigger-inducing. Apart from that, not a bad track. Not one of my personal favorites, but that's just me. Very good work.
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