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Madness MT

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Everything posted by Madness MT

  1. Name: Monster Patrol 2018 Body: Custom Chevy Silverado (idk the year) Chassis: IDK Paint (images of color/graphics): Other details: The wing on the back (not included in pic) Depending on what version you make, whatever tour the truck is in it will have the tour logo in the back window.
  2. YES, how about blue thunder, or retrofoot?
  3. I am making something.... (if anyone could help me out converting it when I am done I would appreciate it )
  4. And another one on a 2014-2016 silverado body. Is there a reason why? Are they really cheap and easy to make?
  5. Is it just me or is Lizzie a bit too green. i would say make the color more like @Medalwarrior215's. Otherwise they look beautiful and I can't wait to use them!
  6. I found a couple errors and these are the more prominent ones. I can't tell from your pic if they are there so I just pointed everything out. The truck had a Matte paint I believe. And all the decals on it were greyish white, also the spikes were chrome. I recommend having a spec and making all the decals (Roof flames and side logos not including the face) white or grey and making the rest of the picture black to give it the matte look. Otherwise the only other problems I see are the rims which are black with chrome beadlocks. But great work so far and I hope it turns out well. Btw sorry for the long post.
  7. 10/10 take your time with the updated version. This will definitely tide us over until then!
  8. I have to finish the body placement and the paint. It is going to be in a pack with other repli-customs. This is the first one and it is 80% done. (this is a repli-custom)
  9. Truck name: Eclipse Body type: Classic Chevy C-10 Chassis type: CRD Where you would run: Anywhere. Extras: Wood pallet in the bed of the truck being held down with straps.
  10. .4? I know its dumb but I am having troubles with .38
  11. If you were to think about adding a driver you should make it the Figure that comes with it. But that looks beautiful.
  12. Some trucks will not have the tire file. You have to get the file from another truck and put it in the truck pack
  13. Do you think you could convert the Beamng arena/ Washington 2016, I really want to drive on that track. I also can't do it myself because I don't have the track.
  14. ? http://www.mediafire.com/file/3z91bm2qh5577bu/2011AirForce.zip Nothings wrong with mine.
  15. Lets see, a bunch of HWMJ trucks (Holiday and Mystery Mighty Minis), A Max-D model, Smash up stadium set (My dad got it because he thought it was cool), another Racing champions 5 pack, Hot wheels cars, $200, and to top it off I got FIDGET SPINNER OMFG SO COOL AS IF I DID'NT HAVE ENOUGH IN MY LIFE. kill me.
  16. Now here's the only present I will get that is good.
  17. Amazing pack! Do you think you can try to make the Race Reward trucks?
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