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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. we have no control over that server nor can we fix it. sorry
  2. Outlawed


    there is this neat thing called google
  3. no but i stared for a good while wondering if it was a legit body mod or photoshop, till I read the text. I derp pretty haaaard
  4. no you make your own port number for security reasons, if no one else can join it when its up there is something blocking them. probably a firewall from either your modem/router or virus protection program
  5. nope that is how rappach runs em
  6. An example as posted by Stephen Hopkins is: Truck: Blacksmith/Captains Curse<br /> Error: Sponser plate and airfilter white on both trucks Blacksmith has a missing face passenger side door Engine's heads stick out past the frame rails Picture:
  7. THIS THREAD IS FOR INGAME MODEL/TEXTURE ISSUES NOT FOR GETTING V4 TO WORK Any issues, errors or general things needing fixes please post here in this format: Truck Error Picture (preferred but not necessary) Thank you
  8. the comment section for this file is not a help and support topic people, if you need help use the help and support forum.
  9. being honest here, I think you might be 1 of possibly 3 people on here that are using a Mac, I am sure someone with a better understanding might be able to chime in but you might have to be patient for an answer *EDIT* derp your best bet for help just posted above me haha
  10. you are not using the proper version, you need .37.
  11. Big shout out to everyone that helped with making this pack a reality, there are too many to list off the top of my head but appreciation due for sure.
  12. This is misunderstanding is all my fault, I had a older version V4 rar in the ROR folder located in my documents. Apparently it reads RAR over directory folders, which is why I saw the old body, not the newer one.
  13. the fact that someone could jump to a conclusion based on a photo is idiotic, you do not even have the trucks infront of you ingame and looking at them. But here is the fun part, where idiotic goes full potato so to speak. A blurb from someone, that would not even know where to start for content, makes a post, which at best looked like an attention grab, further solidifying the fact he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. All three bodies are the same (war wizard had the flags things removed and time flys was modified to fit the new racesource chassis). Is contradiction really that difficult that nobody else can grasp it? His video is even better in going on about Spiderman's body and that it is still the same from 2003, well derp FELD is not going to hash out money for a brand new mold and they are still using several of the chassis's from that time period today. So yes touchy, dont come into the dragons den, poke it and expect to leave unharmed. If you think you can do better by all means feel free to step up and help us for the next pack iteration, we can always use some extra hands, if not then just keep it to yourself. Oh and your flames on that late model are super blocky, should try to smooth them out a tad there champ
  14. you realize that all three of those bodies are the exact same from V3 right? Time Fly's had minor tweaking as did War Wizard but they are identical....
  15. damn really? even I didnt know that!
  16. there is several options for ROR for MAC, most recent updates are not coming though and if you try to join PC servers you will crash them. http://download.rigsofrods.com/
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