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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. you realize you were 90 degrees before the start of the turn right?
  2. well its a current truck that uses a steel body
  3. beauty hacked truck file matt, how the hell did you pitch it that hard and it not roll over?
  4. your video would have been fine in the off topic thread, not here.
  5. Outlawed


  6. please focus on showing your projects for the game please
  7. jesus V4 isnt even out and already we have this thread trucks can be added and patched into the pack, when or what is chosen to be added is up in the air.
  8. still think frank schettini had it right with the rear trailing arm setup
  9. I think the option to allow people to choose either the big stadium show or the small arena show for each proceeding weekend of events. would help split up the amount of people showing up to both events
  10. hopefully these tracks will make their way to the download page soon
  11. its name translated roughly in french is even better
  12. I lol'ed but its all good my plan is finally coming full circle
  13. consumer drives the product kiddies, welcome to the machine
  14. Here is the basic breakdown how each truck pack has been done: We start with an ideas and brainstorm for what would be cool to add or do. new trucks, parts, skins, physics, etc. We start to work on it, this year was even more tough as we lost people that were a big help the year before, Crazy, Casey, RKM (regardless of everyone's opinion he did alot of work on the before packs), etc So in short there were things that we added and things we didnt (due to time, testing, etc) This does not mean these things wont be added to the next pack revision (this is why this is the 4 iteration and not a finalized type dealio) we dont make money for doing this, we have lives outside of the computer screen and we only do this because just like everyone on the site, we love this sport/hobby/life style.
  15. if you dont like it you dont have to download, simple as that. its wonderful to go into massive amounts of detail but pointless as only the hardcore people will even notice it, this site is dedicated to providing a simulation like experience in all aspects possible, not just truck or track detail. Its easy for you because you have the ability to model that far into detail, the people that have helped on V4 have done the best damn job they can do and thats that. take it or leave it
  16. that is basically the reason, flexbodies dont work online can cause lag
  17. I am not sure the sled would work online in a multiplayer situation
  18. hey PM you should make the Concussion USA1 (though it sit unfinished) I can piece it together if you like, Hit me up on AIM if your interested
  19. ever think he might have left for a reason? not that I know very much about the backstory or behind the scenes working but ya
  20. there has got to be more important things in life then getting feathers ruffled over a friggen track layout
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