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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. well being allergic to egg and dairy products pretty much kills anything worth eating so oxygen tops my list or rum.
  2. other then the finish line poles being solid, the background being white and the wheelie bump in front of the grandstand not hittable in the opposite intended direction (grabs and holds truck tires) love this track. thanks for uploading!
  3. I could never get the crusader like hate for traxxas, most of the products they have are for beginners or for really advanced hobbists, with no middle ground. Having owned the original HPI Savage and a XTM X Factor 2, I have not owned a traxxas truck, but several people around me did and while the tmaxx's could usually keep up, they could atleast get replacement parts at the piss poor hobby shop an hour away while I was stuck ordering parts online. Now the MJ line they offer sucks because its on a stampede chassis, I like the bodies (minus the Grinder abortion) they have made so far. And as of right now I am looking into buying a slash as we speak, the new dodge body with mopar scheme is fantastic
  4. gorgeous, though the texture for the tire makes it looks like something from sketchup
  5. Bearfoot does not exists anymore thanks to Paul Shafer's retarded outlook that a big name of the 90s is still relevant and worth lots. Wolverine will be in V4
  6. both have been approved now Hot Shoe
  7. because we can read minds on here unless you are actually going to go into detail what is going wrong I will lock this thread up
  8. its been attempted but chrome is a bit of a pain to get right, why is it important for the chrome 25th ana. scheme to be done anyways? it was cool yes but it is old news, we can barely keep up with the current trucks, schemes, etc for this game that doing one old scheme makes no sense.
  9. the biggest issue (from my perspective) seems to be the sheer laziness to learn how to make content and learn the programs to make content. Anyone can learn how to use any of these programs, none of the people that know how to get around in Blender are brain surgeons or rocket scientists. Just average joe's just like everyone else on this board.
  10. what part of this do you kids not grasp? seriously was it not that hard to read? had to ban a member today who was messaging rockcrwlr for v4 and wf13. smarten the hell up or you will be shown the door (some of you dont get that option as your listed as offending members that are pending bans)
  11. since everyone is showing off their GDTL body here is mine:
  12. people keep the personal verbal jabbing to a respectable level. the swear filter breaking continues and this will be locked
  13. st I was gonna keep quiet but Stinger being labelled as a top billing such as rockstar? if that is so then MXT is going to have a large uphill struggle, lmfao.
  14. lyrics in my sig are pretty much me in a nutshell, Hear Me Now by Hollywood Undead
  15. the sad part is they are creeping over in that direction, its up to the people actually running the events (drivers, track officials, etc) to put the foot down and say no
  16. go back into your router and make sure the router firewall is at minimum or off, it doesnt do jack anyways. anyone that wants to get past it can with no trouble, kinda like norton lol
  17. the admins have been keeping tabs on everything, once the pack gets released and season 3 starts you guys will see the dust settle drastically around here
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