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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. add the files from that into the V3 pack, you have the pack update correct?
  2. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/321-brutus-2011/
  3. you hopping onto a game that some people on here have been racing MT's for 4 years. there is no easy answer to get faster other then practice and goof around offline to get more acquainted with the handling. like what was stated, you finished the course so that is a step in the right direction, I can attest to rolling over in all out qualifying attempt for events.
  4. alot of stuff I am learning how that would help a bunch for the next chassis or two or three or four that i plan on making
  5. well if you get anything wrong with the info, the game will crash so can you post a screen shot or add more information as to what is happening?
  6. <3 i suppose I can post a small teaser of what I have been workin on
  7. the easiest way would be to send the folders themselves, all you do is drag and drop into the aim window. unless the person has a AIM that doesnt support file transfer
  8. the potential is there Mottoe, that is the scary part. everything we take for granted could be completely pulled out from underneath our feet. I am still optomistic that the bills will never pass as there is too much they would have to remove and patrol online it would cost way too much. and I am sure you know who the goverment will tax to pay for it, so the thought is just a idotic as the people trying to push it forward. as for hosting the v3 pack on another site, there was an attempt to get a new company to host the files for download last night that did not go to well. we ask that you be patient. the V3 pack is going to be obsolete in a few months anyways
  9. there is already a thread on this topic: http://sim-monsters....5338#entry25338 as for the v3 pack being down, we will try to get it back up, if you are imptient you can ask someone to send you it. sorry
  10. someone humor me and tell me why balhan is getting his flag now?
  11. sorry for the mis information I posted previously, there must have been a typo in what i was told
  12. welcome aboard, I am a bit surprised you are just now making your way onto this site. hope to see some of your artistic skills translated to this game
  13. its not a big deal but please refrain of making several post of the same subject in different categories next time please
  14. the v3 pack was made for ROR .37 the v4 truck pack that is being worked on as we speak, (May) be compatible with ROR .39 please do not ask when the pack will be released as we are working hard on it and have no timeline on release date
  15. Dennis flat out won, there was nobody that even came close.
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