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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. So why can it not be great or amazing?
  2. and racing is up http://www.allmonster.com/2016/03/las-vegas-nevada-monster-jam-world-finals-xvii-racing-march-17-2016/
  3. From whatever trucks you took them off of.
  4. We are using Box5's N/B and you are not allowed to edit it in any manner. Was hoping to have a new N/B to use this year but it just did not work out. Maybe next year. You have to make your truck standalone with all of the necessary files included in the zip (meshes, textures, soundfiles, etc).
  5. that was not supposed to be in there lol.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Robbie Milburn's SMRA ride. Original Truck File/Node Beam Base: Box5Diesel Body: Not Sure Livery: Not Sure Everything else is from the V4 Pack.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Dan Agosh's SMRA ride. Original Truck File/Node Beam Base: Box5Diesel Body: Not SureLivery: Not SureEverything else is from the V4 Pack.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Original Truck File/Node Beam Base: Box5Diesel Body: Razorbear (modified by Outlawed) Livery: acdcfan56 Chassis: Outlawed Transmission: Outlawed Transfer Case: Outlawed Shock Body/Shafts: Outlawed Fuel Cell: Outlawed, textured by FernBurn Engine: SealedGecko (modified/additional models and props by Outlawed) Headers: Outlawed Batteries: RockCrwlr Axles: RockCrwlr Driveshafts: RockCrwlr 4 Links: Outlawed Ukraine Tires: RockCrwlr Wheels: acdcfan56 Radiator/Intercooler: Crazyman444 Transmission Coolers: Crazyman444 ISP Seat: Crazyman444 Shifter: Crazyman444 RII Lights: RKM Steering Wheel: Ethan Electrical Switch Box: Steele Steering Shaft: Steele RII box: DanDon Fuel/Power Box: DanDon Rear Steer Toggle Switch: acdcfan56 RII Chassis Killswitch: acdcfan56 BD Tuner: Outlawed
  9. So it was brought to my attention that I am stupid and copy pasted the default numbers for the second section of changes. I have fixed that, sorry for the screw up on my part.
  10. shameless plug but some photos I took from Double Down day. http://www.allmonster.com/2016/03/las-vegas-nevada-monster-jam-world-finals-xvii-double-march-17-2016/
  11. In order for drivers to be approved to race in the upcoming season you will need to make these revisions to your truck file: (All you need to do is delete the old lines, copy/paste the new ones into their spots and save the truck file). engine ;min rpm, max rpm, torque, differential ratio, rear gear, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth 900.0, 2600.0, 8000.0, 6.10, 4.0, 10.00, 3.5, 1.8, -1.0 engoption 0.9, t, 5000.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 200, 800 torquecurve 900, 0.5 1000, 1.00 2000, 1.00 2500, 1.00 3000, 0.90 3500, 0.85 The next revision is located further down between the cinecam and the beams for the tires. set_node_defaults -1, 1.4, -1, -1 meshwheels 0.84, 0.25, 0.25, 12, 73, 67, 9999, 1, 1, 24, 270.0, 225000.0, 250.0, r, (you do not have to change this).mesh GravediggerBand 0.84, 0.25, 0.25, 12, 62, 72, 9999, 1, 1, 6, 270.0, 225000.0, 250.0, l, (you do not have to change this).mesh GravediggerBand set_node_defaults -1, 1.8, -1, -1 0.84, 0.25, 0.25, 12, 48, 42, 9999, 1, 1, 29, 270.0, 225000.0, 250.0, r, (you do not have to change this).mesh GravediggerBand 0.84, 0.25, 0.25, 12, 37, 47, 9999, 1, 1, 10, 270.0, 225000.0, 250.0, l, (you do not have to change this).mesh GravediggerBand set_node_defaults -1, -1, -1, -1 Anyone having any issues or needing someone to check over to make sure they did the revisions correctly can post in this thread and I will assist them (no this does not mean I will do it for you). Once you have made the changes correctly please edit your sign up with your trucks download link! A friendly heads up to competitors who might have the idea to use different settings then what are posted, there is a 100% accurate way to convict drivers (ingame during an event) that are suspected of using different settings. You get caught and you will be removed from SMRA with zero possibility of appealing. While this is a "competitive" game at times, either play nicely or do not bother showing up!
  12. Actually the first sentence does, ever since the ROR site went down, all of the publicly listed servers disappeared.
  13. The encore was just the doomsday one with different bodies. Also, I just realized that Scott Douglas was not in Vegas this year, anyone know why?
  14. Not home until tomorrow evening so it will be a couple days before I can go through my photos for the encore trucks. I also have photos of the wf diggers
  15. I was not refering to the posts about politics, (by the way I miss the hitler Obama avatar) I was referring to the Simpsons captioned photo, the boycott monster jam post and the quip about the judges being biased digger fans.
  16. Overall? Thursday was meh, young guns was underwhelming and main show qualifying was okay. Racing this year was the best I have witnessed in my 5 years of going (thus far), maybe even going out on a limb to saythe best vegas has ever seen. And tonight (minus the judging being brutal) was entertaining. Nobody went bonkers for a full run (like Mikey last year or Leduc the year before) but the drivers seemed more willing to go big on this iteration of the dirt islands that was the freestyle track. Atleast that was the impression I got since I was taking photos and most of my aiming was done looking up at trucks. Ramp angles do need to be toned down more though. As for each run, I will admit was not entirely focused on watching the freestyle clock (looking down a view finder for the whole night) but Dennis, Adam, Damon and Ryan all had great runs. Buetow, Mikey, Cam and Bari had wow moments. Cole and Brianna had excellent showings for it being their first world finals. From a competitive stand point freeatyle was flawed but from an entertainment stand point it was good.
  17. Cows go moo, dogs bark and disgruntled monster jam "fans" bitch after the conclusion of another world finals. It embarrasses me to think that I get put into the same category of as some of you people. The tracks was fine and was better laid out then previous years, trucks just did not hold together and some had bad bounces. It happens, what I refuse to get on board with is the notion that this show was worse then wf15. Talking out of your ass is difficult when your sitting down though so whatever. And Tyler stop trying to play innocent bystander, your posts were intended to stir shit. Had I been at home (and you know, not at the show), I would have deleted several of your posts.
  18. Considering the zombie and dooms day encore, no it was not. I don't expect Tom to do something ridiculous for a racing night encore, injury himself and miss freestyle today. 6 would have been find, 7 I don't know about as the run in for the ramp was cramped. I would rather not see him here at all after.
  19. Ryan will be a dark horse for sure, two years ago when he displayed at Vegas he was able to do some practice passes and his times would have been competitive for the ygs that year.
  20. I saw photos of both, they are using their respective chassis's they have been all year.
  21. Does menstruation last for a year normally or is it just a "monster jam fan" thing?
  22. I just like keeping people who argue with no context other then "because I say so" honest. I am not going to even get into backflips or their place in the sport. But I will say that I do not disagree with your statement.
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