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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. You will see why the 4.5 truck category is necessary in a few months
  2. Outlawed

    Set up?

    Tracks go into the terrain folder (they have to be converted to work for 4.5) and trucks go into the vehicles folder.
  3. Minus swaybars, everything is done! And since I was getting messages about an updated chassis pack, Here is what I have left to do that is FELD stuff. Curse is probably going to be done last since I have no idea how what the cab looks like on the new chassis. GD30 is pending since the cab was modified extensively in the summer and only 1 photo shows the changes. Madusa I am waiting on a good photo to confirm which generation of CRD she is on (Anaheim was a waste since she was done after crashing). Scooby Doo's should be done here shortly.
  4. to be fair that one linked is not entirely correct it is just Lupe's version. List runs a different chassis and shocks.
  5. So I take it they did not finish the new Obessed then? Bummer.
  6. Interesting, I was told it was still his chassis from last year. I will double check and let you know.
  7. Wrong section of the forum to post this in and you have already made over 5 different threads pertaining to a updated Overkill Evolution. Stop or I will be forced to revoke your posting abilities for a week.
  8. it is his 10th anniversary, looks like a throw back to his original mud truck
  9. uh clearing and regening your cache is not going to do anything if you do not change them in the truck file.
  10. most of the trucks on here that do not use the default soundscripts use these, though I will admit there is an issue with ROR sometimes not loading soundscripts correctly. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1019-beau4x4s-soundpack/
  11. You have to use an external photo hosting site, you cannot upload them to the site. If a truck does not spawn check the ROR.log located in my documents/rigs of rod/logs to see what is causing the issue If the truck loads ingame but there is white parts it means your missing textures or material file is incorrect or missing.
  12. Thanks to Devin for the paint, got a bunch of work still to do but atleast it is no longer stuck in a Blender window
  13. Can you check your ROR.log and RORConfig.log located in you My Documents/Rigs of Rod 0.4/Logs to see if there is a specific thing causing the issue?
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