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Everything posted by NtheDiggerfan

  1. Hahahahahaha i saw it and freaked. Didn't even look at the comments
  2. Oh thank god. I hate Instagram so much lol.
  3. Oh ok. Bc some people on other posts were confirming it.
  4. Hey everyone. I hope this isn't true. Bht ive seen the competitor card and everything on instagram. Cam McQueen may drive a Digger for Pablo who won the series. Pable will apparently be taking that weekend for personal issues so cam will drive... https://www.instagram.com/p/BgcJHr-h5oU/
  5. @nks1996 Absolutely amazing work, the best truck on the site.
  6. Hey everyone. Just going off of what a friend told me, and Neil's account of there being a change of plans at that split second. I don't know if we'll ever really know but ok
  7. Honestly, I just want this track to be a mix of all of the best elements previously. I really like the Fountain Jump, and a big air middle jump. What I want back is the sea container backflips with the big air backs. Also the outrageous obstacles, mixed in with some dirt jumps and car jumps. A mix of everything, but leave enough room for drivers to actually DRIVE. If the track is great, this will without a doubt be a decent farewell to Sam Boyd Stadium. Also, I think the DDS will go away next year and be replaced by the Skills Challenge. I wonder when we will get a 3D mock-up of the Track.
  8. That couldn’t have been more accurate. I 100% agree. That track would take the cake. Between the lineup and that track, This could be the best WF ever.
  9. I really liked World Finals 14 (my favorite track), and World Finals 18 was my second favorite. Hopefully. I want the fountain and that bus back, but also the sea containers with the big air on the back that Chris Bergeron thought was a crush through lol . Also, the sport itself won't ever gonna peak. In the late 90's everyone thought it peaked. Nope. Now frontflips and moonwalks and all kinds of stuff. They'll find something amazing. Also, I don't see a designated front flip ramp like the Metlife one bc they'd have to reset it every time it was used. Also, last year's forward momentum back flip wasn't planned. Neil told me. It was a front flip jump like at met life, but the pins fell out early and no one noticed (go look at the video the kickers are down.) He hit it and started rotating. It was all skill bringing it back. What a legend... Notice the kickers are laying flat on the ramp and the rear end gave out when he landed sideways. I had to rave to him lol.
  10. @MoreMonsterJam Really? He's the stunt coordinator? I wouldn't be surprised if he was. That dude's a beast... I just kind of wish he could show his skill on the track in competition.
  11. DDS predictions: 1-Brandon Vinson - Definitely filled Dennis's shoes in Digger 30. He has done great so far, hopefully a Digger can take it. 2- Mark List- This kid is bad fast. He's most likely gonna make it to the finals against Vinson. It's either guy's game. 3- Cory Rummel - The one I thought was good enough to make it to the main field, picked up some wins this year, and he has the chops to possibly take it. 4- Jared Eichelberger - IMO, the lesser of the 2 brothers. Made a push towards Menninga, but just didn't get it. Could take out Vinson if he catches him off guard. 5- Camden Murphy - As much as I don't like this guy, he's a decent athlete. Mid-pack finish at best is all I see though. 6- Austin Minton -Surprised everyone this year with some crazy dedicated races and freestyles. Expect a punch from the Bounty Hunter. 7- Brenard Lyght - Although he's a really cool dude, I just don't see him finishing very high. 8- Krysten Anderson - As much as I love this girl, and despite the evident improvement we've seen, she's not quite ready yet. One day... It's a shame I don't think she'll make it past round 3. 9- Tony Ochs- I like this guy, don't get me wrong, but i really don't see him doing much unless his opponent messes up. 10- Collete Davis - She's got a racing background, but just not strong enough in her cornering and straightaway catch ups, a must here. 11- Linsey Read - Another personal favorite, but lacks the racing skills. Not exactly all put together in racing competitions this year. 12- Ami Houde - Not very strong of a racer at all. @TheRetroStyle got it right. That turn is gonna get her. 13- Matt Pagliarulo- Dude is more known for his freestyle, but did hold up strong in racing this year, especially Miami. 14- Brad Allen- Dude's a monster in two wheel skills and freestyle, but not in racing. 15- Matt Cody- Good racer, but not in Vegas. Bit him last year, and I think it might this year too. 16- I'm sorry to say this, but she sucks at racing. Just throwing it out there. Main Field Racing: 1- Bounty Hunter/Jimmy Creten - With the new Ramer chassis, he's proved he's hunting for the win by grabbing uite a few racing wins, and even a back to back weekend win. Absolutely my #1 choice. 2- Mutant/Coty Saucier - Definitely a great racer. Takes my #2 spot. On stadium tour 4, If Jimmy didn't get the win, it was most likely Coty. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a Jimmy/Coty final round. 4- Son Uva Digger/Ryan Anderson - This dude knows how to run this course tight, and could get an upset on his opponents. He's coming to prove himself worthy of last year's title. He's one to watch out for. 5- Mutant/Todd LeDuc - Shows us week after week that he is one of the quickest in the sport. Comes from a dirt racing background. His style is more suited for Chicago or Jersey style though. 6- Grave Digger/Adam Anderson - While he's not the best racer, he's pretty quick, and a vet on this course. He could potentially capitalize on some of the top guys' mistakes. 7- Max D/Tom Meents - He's a pretty fast racer this year, but i don't expect a number one finish. Maybe not even top 5, but could possibly end up there if he's lucky. 8- VP Mad Scientist/ Lee O'Donnell - Another dirt racer like LeDuc. His style is more suited for Chicago or Jersey style though. 9- Grave Digger/Morgan Kane - A previous champion. Not necessarily good enough this year to beat the top dogs that he'll have to face. 10- Avenger/Jim Khoeler - Decent racer. More known for his freestyles. 11- Max-D/Neil Elliot - Not a strong enough racer to finish in the top 10. Could see a breakthrough win in freestyle though. 12- Gas Monkey Garage/ B.J. Johnson - Pretty good racer, but won't make it past round two. This truck has continuous shock issues Linsey Hilgandorf can't seem to get knacked down. 13- Grave Digger/Tyler Menninga - Really good racer, got to the finals last year. There's just too many vets. this year to see him go any farther than 10. 14- Overkill Evolution/Mike Vaters Jr. - More of a freestyle dude, but can hold his own for a round or two. 15- Grave Digger/Charlie Pauken - Hasn't showed his previous inner fire in racing competitions this year. I see him getting knocked out in round 2. 16- Megaladon/Justin Sipes - He's shown he's a decent racer on the Triple Threat series, but i don't see him advancing very far. 17- Earth Shaker/Tristan England - This dude slays in freestyle and two wheels, but is not a strong racer at all. However, if anyone here could be the one to go on a rampage and be a breakthrough, it's him. 18- Wild Flower/Rosalee Ramer - Absolutely one of my favorite drivers. This is a racing competition, not a favorites contest though. I see her fighting to stay alive, and getting knocked out at the most in round 2. 19- El Toro Loco/Becky Mcdonough - She only got one racing win, but did upset Mutant and Coty Saucier. Just don't see her getting past round 1. 20- Dragon/Jon Zimmer - This guy is not very strong in racing. This is a trend among many of the qualifiers this year. The freestyle competition will be wild though. 21- Great Clips Mohawk Warrior/Bryce Kenny - I feel like he's too much of a young gun and needs to mature into the truck more. He can put up a quick lap though. 22- Monster Mutt Dalmation/Candace Jolly - (Family friend, but you didn't need to know this) Love her, but can't see her getting past round one. 23- Monster Mutt/Cynthia Gautier - More fit to be in Double Down Showdown.Just too new to compete on the big stage, but has been fast all year. This spot should've been Kevin Crockers'. 24- Scooby Doo/Steven Sims - Better freestyler than racer, his races feel very effortless and lackluster. 25- FS1 Cleatus/Marc McDonald - As much as you all love him, I just see a washed out cowboy in a sponsor truck. He's a nice dude though. 26- The Black Pearl Monster Truck/Cole Venard - This kid is an AMAZING athlete, and see him winning the World Finals someday. This racing competition is not his day, however. 27- Lucas Oil Crusader/ Linsey Wink - This is one of my favorite athletes, but has proved in Vegas in previous years racing isn't his strong point. 28- Max-D/Colton Eichelberger - Everyone thinks he'll do well. I just don't see it. It's in my gut for some reason. 29- Zombie/Bari Mussawir- This guy's racing has been becoming weaker and weaker over the years. I don't see anything from the Zombie this year. 30- Either Cam Mcqueen or Pablo, which will change this whole thing when announced. 31- Team Hot Wheels/Scott Beautow - This guy is a terrible racer. Just plain bad. Hopefully he can do better in freestyle. 32- Brianna Mahon/ Whiplash - I don't care about #princessofcarnage. She's sheet on the track. A dumpster fire. I will be surprised if she doesn't crash in round one (Four crashes in Anaheim). Absolute Garbage. Nice girl though. My freestyle predictions i'll post the night we know the racing winner.
  12. @Chazzymp soooooo about that standalone... is it ready?
  13. @JackMProductions Thanks. That's how I should have said it. It just makes me so angry growing up with early 2000's monster jam and seeing it like this now. I hate change. I still love the new MJ, I just miss the old one.
  14. @savageracer21 Chazzy( The maker of both) is making the truck standalone, being fixed as we speak.
  15. I'm quite honestly happy with the DDS as is. It's great to have so much young talent. We really need 32 spots in DDS too.
  16. -sad violin music plays- R.I.P Chuck Werner 2018
  17. Wow. Not exactly what i expected. Camden Murphy i don't think should have a spot. Chuck should've taken it. Brenard is decent, Linsey Read is ok, but i'm happy with Krysten.
  18. @Brad Kerlin Ok so then yeah, I would want him taking one of those spots. My predictions: Chuck Werner- El Toro Loco Krysten Anderson- Grave Digger Steven Thompson- EarthShaker Jamey Garner- Over Bored (same as u)
  19. @Sergeant Politeness Do you have Ogre XML mesh converter on your desktop?
  20. @Sergeant Politeness Did you convert the tire mesh file, and make it call for those 3?
  21. I'm really rooting for Jamey, Krysten, and Steven, Also i don't think Chuck will make it bc I think it's for rookies and drivers who've never been in the main show (pretty sure chuck has been in at least once in Bulldozer).
  22. Yeah i noticed that. I like that the TT is where most of the competitors come from. It gives some fresh faces a chance to show what they're made of. I really like the DDS. Krysten better make it in tho.
  23. @Brad Kerlin That did happen. But, i still agree with Monster Jam today, there's just some aspects I don't like. What, am I only allowed to announce my positive opinions here? Lets talk about WF again. This got way bigger than it should've.
  24. .mesh: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uskqxqkwg38mr9d/2016_BKTtire.mesh .material: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i88ixw9yia1b5la/2016_BKTtire.material .png: http://www.mediafire.com/view/3mwitxe54n1j41a/2016_BKTtire.png Just delete all traces of BKT's in the old folders and put these in. Should work
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