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Show Your Projects Chapter 16!


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hard to have an opinion on anything you make though, as it rarely ever lives past blender screencaps :P

Englandlanddeshiretown folk are looking at me angrily right now


Thing is i just can't put stuff ingame anymore, the actual placing bit needs a proper UI.

Come to think, these were the last thing i actually put ingame.



But honestly speaking, justifying things away as "because we do this in our spare time" and other such things is inducing a culture of stagnation, where lackluster things can be justified away by a veneer of "not mine fault"

now yeah i know a lot of people are busy and yadda yadda. but honestly, if you managed to put together a truck pack with 200 trucks in it, each with an individual ammasing of easily more then 60 props, i think we can say that that's no excuse to not at least try to expand one's skills.

Why wouldn't you want to study the idealogy and figure out what works and what doesn't? Why would you ever want to stop and "that'll do"?

Refusing to evolve and study one's own work habits and bringing it forward is downright arrogant and lazy, there's simply no contention. Refusal to heighten one's art is practically a sin. And as long as ones "dedicated" to modelling, painting or in fact, doing just about anything, why on earth wouldn't you want to be better? There's unquantifiable rules and ideas to realize through practice, and there's practically innumerable perfectly obvious quantifiable ideas, rules and patterns that you can notice or read up on for pretty much everything.

In modelling for example, theoretically, every edge loop should be a perfectly orthogonally pleasing line. With each vert being within '35 degrees of the one before (unless you want to draw out a defined edge for contrast or to bevel leading lines, in which case, edge split) and with each edge loop flowing into the next in a tessellating pattern of pleasing lines.

In mapping, you want to "stretch" a 3d space onto a 2d plane, which you can do in a multitude of ways, with each method being contextually fitting to specific circumstance on models. Project from view is a sin.

Painting, drawing and every kind of texturing takes specific vision and direction towards what you want to make. Accentuating details in order to make whatever mesh, of whatever quality, instantly recognizable no matter what the actual quality of the mesh is. And in more stylized/gameplay orentated games, the astetic and the actual colour scheme/design of each model and texture have to origin and direct your eyes to certain parts of the game world or model to serve gameplay points. A good example is TF, where on each player model, all the colour is up on the torso/head, with the lower half of the body a motley assortment of dull browns and greys.

/end surprise megapost

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no that is your own assumption that stagnation or lack luster things are justifiable with saying "we do this in our spare time"

hell if this was true, wouldn't we still be on MTM2?

Not expanding? there was more hand made content by more contributors this truck pack, for example, then ever before.

was all of it perfect? debatable, but that means its open for improvement

we setup somewhat of a timeline (when most of the people helping are not in school) and try to get as much stuff done as possible (usually when school gets back in), some stuff gets let out or gets rushed sure. perfect example, shock shafts. we wanted to add those but the people doing it ran into issues and the method that they were using was inefficient so it was a group decision to leave the ones that are lined up alone and can the rest. does this mean shock shafts are never going to be added? far from it. I hate to sound like a broken record but the things I say are not excuses, they are true facts.

So then really this all boils down to a persons opinion or point of view on said matter, and I do not agree with yours at all. I talk/instant message most of the content creators on this site on a day to day basis, I have worked besides them and I have got to witness most of them evolve, expand and get better over the past few years. I have now hit a point where I no longer get messaged asking for help but am now the messenger to these very same people.

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PC... that Engine texture looks horrible. An engine would never rust like that.

Good thing i made it two years ago and now know better

and outlawed, yeah alright, that's just my two cents on the matter.

Also tom, since there's no "paint" on wildwood, tesselate the UV mapping so you can get better resolution on the track surface. if you need help i'm always online

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Also tom, since there's no "paint" on wildwood, tesselate the UV mapping so you can get better resolution on the track surface. if you need help i'm always online

Yeah I know what you mean. Currently the texture on it is 2048 x 2048.

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