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  1. Yesterday
    Are you Freaking Kidding me, this is Absolutely Awesome
    Chuck To The Cheese. This Is Awsome Man!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Where a kid can be a kid! Based on the Chuck E, Cheese's plush truck that totally wasn't inspired by a black and green panel van. Essentially a modified version of this with some color changes, different body, and tires: Flames on the hood originally came from @Nick Worthmen. However they have been tinkered with a little bit.
  3. make sure the mods are in the 'C:\Users\*account*\Documents\My Games\Rigs of Rods\mods' folder. Full screen mode is in Setting-Render System-Full Screen (YES/NO)
  4. For anyone having trouble with white shocks, add this png to the pack and it should fix it
  5. Last week
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Ahh yes, a "small" Eddiefoot but with 50 skins:) Idea by: Nuanes Racing, FCO and Karnage Productions
    Good looking track but the link isn't working..
    Heads up - Cookie Monster over on Beam Monsters stole this track and ported it to Beam. I suggest getting in contact with him over on the BM Discord. Great map, extremely fun!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    RORSCS returns with replica tracks! Here's two 2016 tracks finally. San Antonio Tracks Versions: - Racing - Freestyle Toronto Tracks Versions: - Racing - Freestyle
    "WAAAAHHHH ITS A CHEVY NOT A FORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cry about it lmfao. just enjoy the truck and move on with your day, your whining is bringing everything down. great repli-custom fefe!
  8. So, regarding the Las Vegas track, there are 2 issues 1. Venue is not fps friendly. The track reduces the framerate to 80 fps 2. Skills version of the track is not present.
  9. Steve Thompson has purchased Storm Damage from the Mente family and will run it as Hurricane Force, debuting this weekend in Durham, CT. Daniel Sears has purchased the old gen 2 PEI Phoenix chassis with the intentions of turning it into a pay to drive experience. He previously owned the Blue Buzzard truck. As for the chassis it has a long history; it was one of Kirk Dabneys PEI trucks for many years. It also ran as Vern House's War Wizard truck, and was most famously Issac Ducketts Taurus truck. It only did 1 display as Phoenix before being dismantled, was claimed to be scrapped for years and suddenly reappeared late last year. Its a truck with interesting history. Tim Jones is debuting a brand new Eddie Chassis in Miami, OK in June. Unknown of the identity it will run, but he will become a 2 truck team.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Well here it is. My first ever hybrid. Versions of the Track: - Racing - Wheelies - Freestyle
    definitely not bad. the props mostly lining up is a vast improvement over your previous output, tho it does kinda handle like crap, even for a V4. I'd say for your next truck, ask around and see if someone has any feedback for you while you're working on the setup. Don't be afraid to collaborate with others, and take advice from more senior mod creators. Blake is GREAT at doing setups, I'd definitely say ask him if you want to focus on that. Also, I'm just happy we have some representation for this truck lol.
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