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Everything posted by Tylinater

  1. Looks like its time to take out the trash!!!
  2. I just got my sound back. All i did was delete the soundscripts which contain Collector2, Downsweeps, Mufflers, Sidepipes, Zoomies, Powerstroke and Powerstroke60. Basically everything has been consolidated into that GraveDigger.soundscript file now and that will interfere with the old scripts.
  3. YEAH MURICA!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Ok, i just deleted the other soundscript files that arent affiliated with beau4x4's soundpack. It still doesnt work. However, i found out that the only trucks that have sound for me are those that have the GraveDigger.soundscript file involved. This problem just happened like last night. Maybe something happened with the other sound files that im unaware about. Any ideas on what it could be?
  5. I've just came across a problem that i've just recently had. I'm playing around with ROR until suddenly, i get no sound coming from MOST NOT ALL, MOST of the trucks that i have including ALL of the STOCK trucks. Btw the trucks that currently have no sound always have been equiped with beau4x4's soundpack. I didn't do anything to mess with the sound files and i dont know why it happened. I ask, is there a possible reason on why beau4x4's soundpack suddenly quit on me???
  6. I just downloaded this track and i noticed it's missing a file called Houston2010.raw. Is there a fix for this?
  7. Someone tell that skank to shut the hell up!!!
  8. Yay. Another topic about shoeball.
  10. I hate to be a bother here mark, but what happened to my 10 points from charlottesville?
  11. Been to 2 concerts and both of them were Lynyrd Skynyrd.
  12. Name: Tyler May Aim: tylinater Truck: Snap-on Torque Nickname: Mayday
  13. Name: Tyler May Aim: tylinater Truck: Shock Therapy
  14. So what? SO WHAT?????? That's considered to be a federal crime, a felony, my criminal americas most wanted friend.
  15. Plus not to mention that arched sunroof so that he could see how sexy he is. BTW, since when did NASA get involved with monster trucks???
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