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Everything posted by Tylinater

  1. Hate to be a historical quote nazi but it's perscription, not cure. PS: As of that post, you have offically driven the site NUTS!!
  2. Surprised no one even thought of this yet.
  3. You know after the game, I've heard some major hate on the giants from a bunch of royals fans and the rest of the country that was rooting for them. I know that those specific people are acting like a bunch of sore losers and here's why. The only reason why they are hatin on the giants in the first place, is because they're just jealous that the royals couldn't figure out Madison Bumgartner even if they tried. Madison Bumgartner G.O.A.T World Series Player. 0.25 ERA, THAT SPEAKS ALL!!! Overall, it was a good series and a hard fought victory. Congrats to the Giants for winning and Congrats to the Royals for putting up a good fight.
  4. Yea, I mean cmon, this is a community where not only do we have fun, but also where people help one another to ultimately push the boundries of simulated monster truck racing to a whole new level. If you're going to put down and negatively criticize another sim monsters member at that level just because he doesn't know how to do something, I ask why are u even here? All that time you took to make that post, you could've used that time to go back and work on making monster trucks and contribute something to this community. Realize something Harlow and that is we are all human, WE AINT PERFECT!! If one member is inexperienced at something, go do your best in a positive way to help them. This is what I call a classic case of Open Mouth, Insert Foot. Think before you say or do anything next time, Thank you.
  5. Tylinater


    One question. WHERE'S THAT CHECKERED FLAG????
  6. Yes, ingame settings is as low as i can get. No extra programs are running when i use ror. I know my cpu's boundries. I think it just maybe bad internet that's the problem. What do you think?
  7. Problem is as said above. This problem came right out of the blue, started earlier today and idk why it's happening. This problem also causes my fps rating to drop by 20. Example, I usually run at 60 fps, now its at 40. Is there a reason why this is happening? If so, what is the solution to this problem??
  8. Tylinater


  9. Tylinater


    Roses are red Violets are blue Doomsday is here Doomsday is here Doomsday is here Doomsday is here Doomsday is here Doomsday is here We're all doomed Titan and Saigon Shaker is a better love story than twilight Mark Schraedor sucks and so does his commentary Dennis Taft is GOD Bob Breen Bob Breen Bob Breen Terminator Rambo Terminator Rambo SUCK IT FELD
  10. Tylinater


    Roses are blue Violets are blue This thread is doomed
  12. Tylinater


    Roses are red Lemons are sour Open ur legs and give me an hour
  13. Tylinater


    Sex is like math You subtract the clothes Add the bed Divide the legs And Pray to god You dont multiply
  14. Tylinater


    Roses are red Grass is green Open your legs And I'll fill you with cream
  15. Tylinater


    Sex is when a guys communication enters a girls information to increase the population for a younger generation do you get the information... or do you need a demonstration
  16. That reminds me, thunder nationals still around or did FELD get rid of that?
  17. Tylinater


    Thank you for creating several versions of a deceased Michael Jackson. Can't wait. It's going to be a real THRILLER!!! 5 Stars!!!
  18. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2014/10/17/6996189/percy-harvin-traded-seahawks-jets Looks like the Seahawks got rid of Percy Harvin.
  19. How bout let's not and say we did??
  20. Tylinater


    Sex is bad Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in.
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