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Everything posted by Tylinater

  1. Well i certainly found that banana APPEALING!!!!
  2. Man aaron, you are driving me BANANAS!!!
  3. Im having the same problem and i just went in with one of the trucks listed in the first post and it froze my frame rate up to 1 frame per 1-2 minutes. Now looking at the logs, it tells me that im missing these specifc files and i want to know where these files are located. 1. Bolts.tga 2. ExcaliberF.dds 3. Excaliber-spec.png 4. BountyFilter.png 5. Ford_logo.png 6. Ford_logo-spec.png 7. Theredrim.mesh 8. BFCycloneTransfercase.png If anyone can tell me where these files are located IF THEY EXIST, that would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Im having the same problem that everyone else has when certain trucks that uses this update like for example titan 2014 and MROR captain america online causes the game to crash and receive an error -1. Its because of nonexisting missing files. Heres some of the following. 1. Bolts.tga 2. ExcaliberF.dds 3. Excaliber-spec.png 4. BountyFilter.png 5. Ford_logo.png 6. Ford_logo-spec.png 7. BFCycloneTransfercase.png If there is a fix for this, that would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Probably the best rendition of a hendrix song and i think it beats his version. Here is Little Wing by the late great Stevie Ray Vaughan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SaCdsoxd1nM
  6. Name: Tyler May Truck: Titan 2014 Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1322-titan-2014-revamped/ AIM: tylinater
  7. Hey, that's what i said a couple of posts ago. Anyways also: Truck: Driver: None given or the NWO Spokesman
  8. That happens because its missing a mesh file called theredrim.mesh and idk where to get it.
  9. Love the video and love the great rendition of the track Tom. Excellent work but guess what?? I GOT A FEVER, AND THE ONLY PRESCRIPTION, IS MORE AIRHORN!!!
  10. 2 things 1. About the "riots", its because after the game, me and my dad listened to the police scanner and all we heard was seahawks fans getting arrested and bonfires going on in downtown seattle. Besides, my opinion for celebrating a super bowl win is this. Be civil, that's all. You can celebrate as long as it doesnt involve law enforcement aka the police to stop it. I know every city does that and i dont like it when celebrating goes out of control/goes overboard. It's just common sense. Me and my dad dont like it just like we dont like football players celebrating and dancing in the end zone or trash talk for that matter. 2. Outlawed, i am not upset. I am stating the opinion that i dont like teams that play dirty. If that gives u wins in big games, more power to ya but in the process that team will be hated. I mean, that's why, and this is a fact, that Seattle is the most hated team outside of their home territory. I would like to see a good clean fair game and so would everybody else. That's all.
  11. Because Seattle's defense plays dirty, When offense goes long ball, defense will hold and commit a pass interference that the refs WONT CALL. Plus, seattle defense will do anything to strip the ball away from the offense. They had twice as many penalties than denver and there were more that should've been called on Seattle. And, THE 12TH MAN DISTRACTED DENVER OFFENSE. Typical Seattle, that's why they won. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT A COPYCAT OF THE OAKLAND RAIDERS FROM THE 70'S!!! Meanwhile in the Seattle area, there is a bunch of riots that's burning Seattle to the ground. To be honest, that was a boring super bowl because it wasnt close, it couldn't get u on the edge of your seat. That's why last year's was WAY better.
  12. I predict a FELD truck will win at vegas. If not, then NWO and Wild Thang.
  13. Tylinater


    Sounded like one of the announcers was acting sarcastic bout that.
  14. What the hell is that white truck on the very right?
  15. I'm guessing Cortez Snipes has something to do with this??
  16. ok, how long is it going to be before we see the anderson boys getting invited to the world finals??
  17. My opinion is like this in the form of a football myth. Defense wins Championships. Defenses dont give you a championship win but it gives u a CHANCE to win one. With an offense like Denver's and Peyton Manning's ability to be like an offensive coordinator, I dont see Seattle winning it.
  18. Broncos because the seahawks has never faced an offense like denver's. Plus Richard Sherman "The New Terrell Owens" has hell to pay for that post game interview.
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