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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. No that was during the 'zombie' media frenzy around modern borefare's zombie mode and all those other horrendous loads of zombie themed media. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that a majority of the votes actually were for 'zombie', and it was fueled by legions of monster and red bull swilling swagfags going OMG YES and voting for it just because they are vaccous shells of human beings, who'll end up working at a refuse transfer station for the rest of their lives because they don't know how to do better and they've been promised a fragile pension if they work for 40 years shoveling tat for a living. If this is the case, this proves two things 1) feld is still the quintessential soulless coorporation, afraid to take risks and strictly allergic to original thought, and therefore still trailing two years behind stupid trends like the fat kid behind everyone else 2) people don't deserve a voice of their own most times and should probably have been shoveled off to goverment depopulation camps years ago
  2. I want a midnighter truck to piss off the marvel/DC sponsors Never going to happen is it? Well Marvel anyway, since The Authority is DC, and FELD, since Midnighter is about as un kid friendly as you can get
  3. Whenever there's flat colour base texture in retail game releases i die a little on the inside
  4. I like you, not a luddite by any stretch. Besides, most of the processor power in ROR goes to the physics calculations, not the graphics. And all in all, 16k isn't too bad for a major star of the screen. This is one of the models from max payne 3, and it clocks in at 23,000 faces, for just one object. And concidering that that game A) Had to run on the Xbox, which claps out at 512 megs of ram and a processor from eight years ago, and it has going on, 16k is really not much these days, especially on maps where there's literally no scenery or anything more complex than a few hundred poly's worth of dirt and lego cars piled about. That said, you probably will bugger your graphics pipeline if you put on the 'advanced render' effects and HDR in ROR, because that's as well optimized as a Romanian police bureaucracy, but i found you can just brute force it if your computer's good enough
  5. Because that would be awful and render everything moot. Just because some people around here try to run ROR on apparent coalfire powered brazen brass victorian calculation machines doesn't mean i should bend over backwards just to make them and their Pentium III happy Sounds good, but i want to have a final go around with it, and i'd like it done in as many layers as is possible for maximum fidelity Because they're just six vert tubes. They add 200 faces at the most, and in the face (ahar) of 16,000 other faces, it's really just kind of inconsequential
  6. The teeth i wanted to leave to textures, as i set it out to be a lowpoly model, hold your laughter. I traced the shape almost perfectly (including the needle, which in reality is printed on but i like it 3d), but it has no edge split which makes it look softer, as for it looking happy, i unno, probably the paint, there's a lot of sharp converging lines that're exadurated with paint, which probably adds a lot of the angry emotion into it. It was even worse when i was modelling the thing, before i'd gotten to the chin but had the grin down, it looked downright cheerful. Emotions and how we interpret them are a very weird thing In fact, what i'd done wrong was when i'd posted those, i'd made the hands with a mirror modifier, and it hadn't occurred to me that they were actually asymmetrical. go team retard
  7. i like how the original post was "gayest max-d in ror" because guess what you're sort of right Anyway, i actually made a big mistake on the face thingy on the side, first to guess what it is wins a prize of nothing! also i've started on the lights. Polygon monster this is
  8. Twenty dollar suede trench coat at the sally anne? sold How many times have i gotta keep restarting this thread? Come on then
  9. Tell you what, if anyone wants to paint it, ask me on skype, and i'll gladly hand it off if i can do the finishing touches on it, like bake, specular, base colours, scratches and stuff Also i checked the triangle count on the face alone 16,000 AWHOOPS
  10. I can't texture, so why release something that isn't done? They're all just sort of floating in limbo Plus placing props is like pulling teeth with a crowbar Yeah, just going to model the lights, which are literally a row of christmas lights zip tied to the bodywork, give it a glow texture shared with the eyes and mouth of the face thingy and we're good. world finals version too, with the chrome and mini spikes everywhere wouldn't be that hard either
  11. Hey look it's done And yes, i did model the sparklers in the pipe beard there, the world can rest safe
  12. that means something is horrendously wrong as by and large, split/locked trucks are equally competitive in real life
  13. SWAY BARS AND STUFF Still hammering together/mapping a few different differentials before i decide on which to take. iunno, it's 2AM and i have to be up in six hours, otherwise i would've done the entire assembly
  14. My favorite part about this? The US army/The Pentagon as an entity actually have a borderline fascist approach to media portraying the US army. Basically, if you want to use tanks, guns, infantry uniforms or even mention the US army in a movie, TV show and terrifyingly, even a book now, you have to run it by a Pentagon censoring comittee, which screen it to see if it portrays the US armed forces in a 'positive' light, otherwise, no fly for you buddy roh. So how is censoring ideas and putting hyper patriotic false words into the media's mouth to encourage young people to sign up for the army and prevent people from questioning the goverment any better? 'mericah. that's why.
  15. i'm not sure if i loathe it or adore it. The conflicting opinions are really starting to hurt now. send help
  16. pretty sure a truck that ran in 1999/2000 didn't run a 2007 Ford
  17. I just want the UN to essentially say "You know what? loveing try it. launch your missiles and we'll all turn you into a massive radioactive monument to stupidity, not even loveing china will back you any more, pack that poo in and call it a day you massive assbags" of course this will never happen, but i can dream
  18. MY DIRIGIBLE! YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON Mabye that's how Brass Beast should be transported. Either that or a steampunk T1
  19. mabye it's just Oggy then. Iunno And roach, that's not what i'm saying, i'm saying if we get grounded, progressive racing, with serious presentation, big names, a real racing points/qualifying series AND freestyle, FELD would be in some trouble
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