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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. that would've been curious, but confusing to watch and to judge. the pacing would be all over the place
  2. Ah, i wondered where that MTM2 lunacy had gone yay meaningless pageking also for the love of god take this blend from me and put it on one of the turning cars in racing. i'll remodel it in whatever condition you want
  3. can't help but feel that would look like this
  4. how many goddamn times has that been said in this thread already. 7?
  5. But you forget that people are complete idiots, and i'll bet some people actually do that
  6. That's what i was going to do, just because A ) it fits the theme of '60's rat rod that's somehow a trophy truck B ) it's easier to animate the parts in ROR this is the kind of stuff i've been using for reference
  7. Well the idea is that the suspension travels as much as a trophy trucks, so it's not going under the frame, but that's what i needed. thanks
  8. suspension design makes my head hurt. I can't imagine how the tie rods will work
  9. Yep, and i've decided to take the engine BeamNG's in and make my own racing game which got scrapped earlier this year due to people being loveing people. you'd think i'd've seen it coming. ALL ABOARD THE WORK TRAIN WHOO WHOO
  10. it's not a save if you have lockers, land on another truck and just power out of it after noticing you're pointed right way up
  11. http://www.beamng.com/threads/434-Editing-capabilities-within-Torque3D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCIyAyWaeBc Now SM has no more exuses!
  12. i create the colour i want in photoshop, copypaste the RGB values to a flare material and link them to the NB
  13. yeah, but you'd want to add a graphics card down the line. Integrated graphics never works
  14. no because then the bottleneck would go the other way. new computers are best done in big bursts i find, but mabye that's just me
  15. i'll assist if you need or want any help. I like stuff like this. I think the major problem with most amatures is people who don't understand or want to understand idealogy. Even at the DMA, the people i work with all zealous with the desire to make games simply refuse to think or process concepts in their work. it's pitiable to watch and it's a leg up if you want to get started
  16. graphics card won't do much if your processor is pants. it creates a bottleneck, rendering your hardware moot
  17. my damn dad is more of a canadian symbol of culture and ideas than beiber ever will be plus, you seemed to have fallen into the same line of logic that FELD has with the maple leaf tour and northern nightmare. canadians as a whole don't idealize our country. We love it, we respect it, we wouldn't trade it for anything, but there's a reason you don't hear "REAL CANADIAN PRIDE EH." or any such nearly facist patriotism, that dillutes one's perception of the world, as you will in america. It's why i just burst out laughing whenever the monster jam announcers go "CANADA'S ONE AND ONLY MONSTER TRUCK, TAKING ON THE AMERICANS TONIGHT IN BC PLACE" and such. It's obvious that someone in FELD just went "THEM 'NADIANS UP IN CANUCKISTAN MUST LOVE THEIR COUNTRY JUST LIKE WE LUV' MURCAH. NO FREE COUNTRY WOULDN'. WE DONE TELL THEM THAT THIS'S THEIR TRUCK'N THEY'LL EAT IT RIGHT UP BUDDY ROH" She's a tarted up talentless, selfish, idiotic, mundane, mentally turgid, shell of a nice lady who's literally only in FELD's pocket because sex sells. The thought of what vaccous creatures would find that walking pair of breast implants and impending skin cancer attractive makes me sick to the gut and ill to the mind, but apparently it works, much to the detriment of whatever little soft spot in my jaded aristocratic heart is left. And trust me, nobody i've talked to anywhere likes madusa. that goes much farther up the chain then you think.
  18. texture is nice, but innacurate. the 'fur' texture only really shows up on the side cheek tufts. hood shape is way off as well much rounder, with a downward arc from the side. no 'square' or acute shapes in there at all. as well as the hair on yours is too self contained, too short, too narrow. the side tufts are all good but don't blend in with the roof for some reason. Most of the body is too shallow in the curves as well, all the shapes just seem kind of gaunt to me, but mabye fuller shapes is just my modelling style And you've given it a unibrow man, what's that about
  19. i built one a month for 1300. mabye it's because my old one was a housewife box worth tuppance and was so old it didn't even have SATA cablas so i had to bin it all, but it got 60fps in ROR easy, so this guy's probably a lot worse off
  20. yep, it was that "if i was poor i'll be your platinum and silver" song god help us all
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