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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Yeah so let some other idiot do it for you
  2. Why would you want to film it? You're bloody there, and presumably spent a haughty pile of money to do so, so enjoy it for god's sake
  3. Yeah i'm not a fan, that just looks silly What's it say on the tail? Garage, gambling, something else? i can't tell
  4. I meant the cap on the end. i know it's just a big curved sheet of metal, but it looks really neat, rather mad maxish, which i kind of think more trucks need to do
  5. what could hardware possibly have to do with it?
  6. Both tracks are broken, tells me that it's an unsupported filetype
  7. they'll probably 'block' it off with cars, just like WFX and the double attempt this year
  9. Ok who the hell voted for Taryn Laskey to win young guns? get off my planet
  10. beautiful song to just listen to. just sit back and enjoy it. fantastic stuff
  11. Reworked Ratty again. Based the rear window on the front of a '41 willy's. The entire thing still needs some work, but whatever Just for comparison here's the new wireframe. Honestly i'd've been way better off doing the entire thing from scratch again, but i'm a loveing retard, so i didn't And the old
  12. Oh, top gear (proper edition) and monster jam as well, but that's about it. TV is a truly wretched thing these days It's a shame Christopher Eccleson doesn't get much love for the ninth doctor, as he was duly fantastic and should get a lot of credit for reviving the doctor as a character.
  13. For the good of the world, please make thehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RM6JJb3azEas well
  14. i really doubt binning a truck like that is intentional unless he's a secret masochist
  15. that implies he was trying to do it. He was shooting to just hit the ramp, didn't know his rear wheels weren't squared up, simple as that Hell, i think i know why he went at that ramp so hard in the first place. After he probably thought that going full stock at that ramp again would be a nice show ender, but again, he just missed. And looking at the hit before the gonzo one, he'd buggered up the rear steering when he went into the small white car stack just before, and you can see the rear steer kick out as soon as he stomps on the gas. There was no way he could've stopped that happening or know it was about to, let alone stop it before he'd already left the ground
  16. You trying to start a poostorm? Shush you. You're being a massive ostentatious git, stop that crap For god's sake fade that black and purple and move those sponsor logos down
  17. Grille looks kind of bland, nothing really going on
  18. I can attest to this. Cheap, indestructible, 4wd is pretty good, looks good, reliable as all hell and it'll do whatever you want without complaint. Plus it's got a heavy as hell clutch if you get a manual, get your workout while you drive for good measure Also looks good in red
  19. meanwhile What frame is that? Modified PEI or a custom built deal?
  20. for some reason my first thought was of some gamecube game, since it's codename was "dolphin" in production i guess i'm still secretly living in 1999
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