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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. apart from the woman on the side, it's just a few vectors and some layer masks as well as a really clever specular texture, so i wouldn't say that. the fact that she changed the paint once a week is kind of annoying though
  2. Because a lot of people see freestyle as an embarrasment to monster trucks and this is the purest monster truck series since PENDA, so mix in the nostalgia of a time where there was no freestyle and i figured we'd get some kneejerk reactions. I was wrong, so hooray. i still don't see any celebratory dirigibles though.
  3. I'm going to get boo'd for this, but if it was monsters only with freestyle and a proper points series/purse as well, FELD would be in some deep trouble i think
  5. yeah that score got a well deserved booing when it was thrown up. Second place at least for my count of it
  6. >everyone fawning over basic features of ROR that was in RORMJ >was removed in SM because LAAAAG >SIM MONSTERS!
  7. Bounty hunter paint came from the 2007 monster jam game, and was then heinously and needlessly mauled by Jordon Robson years ago. No idea if that's still the same version but i think it is.
  8. I posted a load of photos Here if anyone's interested.
  9. you'd probably need the XBOX controller drivers from microsoft's website first
  10. So uh, pablo's got some work to do on his truck I think that's the old TMNT frame since his digger was on display and such. still sifting through photos. this computer has tuppence for ram so it doesn't like .nef's that much also i think Scott Beutow had the win, but goddamn he was jipped
  11. remember when pablo went up the containers in WF2? and then both Scott and whatisname both went "HEY PABLO" i have this fantastic mental image in my head of someone doing what marc did last year, and flying straight into the announcer riser, with shroeder and douglass staring up at the flying truck with blunt, glassy uncomprehending eyes, grinning at the truck and going "HEY DENNIS/TOM/WHATEVER" well that's what i got out of it anyway
  12. Protip: Real life trucks, practically speaking, top out at around 8.5k RPM, the SM ones top out at 3.5. You'd need to regear them if you touch the RPMs at all
  13. good christ i forgot i made that completely awful isn't it
  14. All i can imagine is a painted up burnside faffing about on a world finals track hell, that'd work on WF14
  15. mabye it's just a berm, inspired by how Marc's been using the triple things the last few years
  16. Ok stop the wretched macros right there, before they get out of hand
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