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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. If you ever need a photoshop or hyper basic blender tutorial, just IM me and i'll show you through. Cheers mate
  2. Well here's one more I got it ingame, but the materials are downright broken, i need help if i'm to get this up by friday
  3. Oh yeah, Add me on Steam if anyone wants. Steam ID is Deora2dude, but i show up as PC
  4. So yeah, not only did we get the most amazing new pack ever today, TF2 is now free to play. forever. And in case you needed more convincing...
  5. Need some help with the engine material here, refuses to work for some reason also, this Anyone who might want it for the custom season might want to speak up quick
  6. Well i'm out for blood, another chicago course should make for some pretty close racing
  7. Steve Harlow: Harlowquinn Kurtwylde1@hotmail.com http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss318/deora2dude/screenshot_15.png
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KFFnrS1poE Offbeat songs, gotta love it.
  9. THE BOLLOCKS MOBILE RIDES AGAIN. That move hasn't bit me no matter how many times i tried that stack. go team retard. Oh well, had a good run in racing, next time i suppose
  10. this is discussing the event... not a league race
  11. Travis in NC? This can only mean fantastic and wonderful things
  12. At least the splash page is back up, you don't know how much you use something 'till it's gone.
  13. Try a wood grain overlay/soft light on the panels, and a bit of a softer contrast on the blue, just my thoughts Edit: whoops, post ninja'd, Iron Man looks brilliant
  14. Best playing track in ror. total buckets of fun
  15. That's roaches port wasn't it in the AME pack?
  16. ramps look pretty shallow and sharp, but that might just be the perspective
  17. that was wonderful, didn't know i was supposed to hit the hill
  18. Ladies and gentlmen, the community spark has returned also, i made this Harlowquinn All images save for the burning building were taken by me, and yes, that is me on the side
  19. well. i failed. hard. Next week i guess. post chat is always fun
  20. Concept i've had in my head for a long time. Ghost did the modeling, i just finished the mapping, and on we go to texturing
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