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Connor Richardson

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Everything posted by Connor Richardson

  1. Won't be getting it because my laptop is a piece of bullshrimp. For a great cause though, would buy it if I had a better laptop/PC.
  2. It's only for computer though, right? No Xbox?
  3. Is this actually legit? Not sure if it is.
  4. I was there as well, Jeremy Slifko told me that if he won anything he would give it to me but he didn't, still was a great show. Already tried to make it but kind of failed, might make another attempt though.
  5. I really don't think any more posts about this should be made because that post right up there deserves an award for it's greatness. Sums it all up, if you don't like it, leave it alone.
  6. Was literally just going to post that, demko. Off topic but I really don't like the new paint job, red yellow and black looked a lot more sharp.
  7. It probably would be nice to have if it wasn't abused like last time.
  8. Aight, I just need the top graphics. But that's not nessecary.
  9. I think I see... why that's so funny... I think...
  10. God dangit, I made a higher res version of it and I spent like a week making it, and then someone posts theirs
  11. Make sure you are in edit mode when you texture it, otherwise I have no idea what your problem is.
  12. Interesting... the Panel truck looks a bit odd though, not your fault but it looks plain. Cool stuff everyone
  13. Well I can run it at about 20 FPS, at lowest settings. Good simulation but I won't be buying it unless my parents win the lottery and are able to buy a new computer for me.
  14. Oh, so like Minecraft? Sounds even better, can't wait! Demo is done, hopefully it was worth the wait.
  15. I got the demo, probably going to wait until my birthday or Christmas to get it, depending on how laggy it runs. But in other words, if the alpha is $15.00, how much do you think the full game will cost?
  16. Actually, there are quite a lot of active leagues here. But the only one that is completely active and running as of today, is SSRS (Summer Stadium Racing Series). IDS is still alive, Monsters of ROR is a big one, and a new one called ROR: Masters of Destruction is supposed to be starting up soon. Enjoy your stay Kobi! Can't wait to see what you bring to the community
  17. Okay... this is VERY strange and I mean really strange... when I have my wireless mouse USB thingy plugged in, my controller just blinks but when I don't it turns on. Like wtf? xD
  18. Okay so it turns out my xbox controller isn't completely dead, the 4 quadrants keep blinking and it won't auto assign to a quadrant (Player 1). I have uninstalled every driver that I have and let it reinstall but it won't ever finish the install. It also says in the properties "This device can't start. (Code 10)". Aaron Lurie told me that it's the connector causing the problem but I'm not so sure, I've done quite a bit of research and everyone says that after a few months or so, the wires start to get short but I'm not so sure about that either, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  19. you used Matt's hill climber mud truck for the front portion of the body, right? I used that then made a rear to it, but I forgot to scale the body and it never got finished. Looks great, Chris!
  20. Anistropic, Sandstorm, and No shadows. Direct3D9 2 (Hyper-Threading or Dual Core CPU)
  21. Doesn't do that for me, that's why I uploaded it and would not have uploaded it if it had a problem.
  22. 3 things: 1. That is not a leafer body in any way, just a v2 body. 2. Sloppy paint, different colored orange on the roof. 3. Overall, it's less than meh. Could have a bake and could remove all of the white on the high lifter logo. But if it makes you proud, that's what counts. Edy, I really like that paint on that body. Good job. And also I would go with the top one, if you colored over all of the white spots. Good job everyone!
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