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Everything posted by Block

  1. all i can say is it needs,ALOT of work, its no where near done. the shocks dont even look textured right, the floor lexan doesnt even look like its placed right the chassis needs a spec, and maybe even edge split. the body BADLY needs a spec on it. i wouldnt release it. it needs alot of work Edit: where is the seat? and the back lexan thats behind the invisible seat doesnt even go all the way to the chassis on the top
  2. can i ask why that blue thunder sits lower than my self esteem?
  3. are you for real? please tell me u did not just spell his name like that? its pablo
  4. im sorry, but i have to say it, PUBLIC SERVER, things are bound to happen in public serves. its just history. cifpo was a great example
  5. you really need to start listening to peoples constructive criticism. il second what Frosting said. needs ALOT of work
  6. i think you have already requested this before, slow down a bit there hot shot, Chassis is also an In house not PEI
  7. Been working hard these past few weeks to get these trucks close to done, I really enjoyed working on these, a few more versions to come! *Started to add Qualifying versions!*
  8. its a start but i would really recommend edge splitting and set smooth the chassis in blender, i would also recommend putting a spec map on the chassis and body
  9. not like tyler was using key bored for rear steer or anything
  10. your line situation you got goin here is a bit too much, lots of random lines.
    ME LIKEY DANKY SHMEAMY 10/10 would TIP again *click* NOICE
  11. Here in Ionia! And we have a stacked line up tonight! we see the 2 big guns Jon Zimmer in Terminal Velocity! and Will Meyer the reigning racing champ in Hotline Blackout! But not to forget about Blake Thompson in that new Takin' it easy and @LordFrosting in the brand new Fuel Injection! Racing took a huge surprise in the first race, Blake Thompson Upsets Jon zimmer in Terminal velocity! With transmission issues on the line Will Meyer falls behind as Matt Tyrrell breaks that new chassis loose! In the finals despite Matt figuring out that chassis and new truck very well, Blake gets the jump on a perfect light taking the racing win!
  12. i cant help but notice the sway bars and the floating bodys
  13. Both trucks are PEI chassis, Not everything is a CRD
  14. just found out Mike Hogewood passed away today which is sad, but in remembrance, heres one of the trucks he had a fun time calling back in the day. Chris did the paint. Early version
  15. Just finished up davids ride for SMRA, happy with how this turned out, hopefully he throws down this season to get alot of good use out of this truck!
  16. gonna be the big gay and post mine too, yada yada new truck
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