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Everything posted by ShawnVallance

  1. Aside from the .4 spam on this comment section, this track is really well made fern! You always surprise me with your released content, so keep up the fantastic work!
  2. Man oh man, this one definitely is a classic track! Definitely have been liking these tracks you've been posting out for everyone Coconutmen. Keep up the great work.
  3. Well, Excision's Codename X Remix EP's about to come out (tomorrow), but three out of the five songs have already surfaced on both youtube and soundcloud. From what I've seen so far, there's one that is very intense, and that is none other than xKore's remix of the song.
  4. They work when you have the right stuff for them, especially when you start off with worldfinals's.38 version of SMV4. (which is right here.) In regards of the add on trucks, you can go with two choices, one being easier than the other: One being to extract each truck zip into the folder, which makes hunting down parts extremely easy, or you can just place the zips into the folder (which is the approach I went with), but it makes hunting down certain parts that could be missing on trucks difficult.
  5. I believe that is a function that only .37 implements. Any other version than that will not work (.38 being a prime example of losing the glow feature). Also, great job on this truck Fern! Keep up the good work.
  6. Thank you for this absolute beauty of a monster truck DiggerFan!
  7. This is a really nice truck! Great job on it and keep up the great work as always!
  8. That too, I'm just used to having zips inside the SMV4 pack. And it's okay, as you said, we're all human, everyone makes mistakes, but no worries. It's not much of a big deal, they still work perfectly fine for me. Also, happy holidays to you Fern.
  9. Goodness... everyone's complaining about the lights not being there. Guys, there's a ridiculously easy way to fix it. All you have to do is grab Fern's GD28, then go into the zip and get "GDHeadlight.png", then all of your problems will be solved. As for the power and fuel pump starters, not sure why that is showing up as a unmaterialized and untextured part, but if anyone here knows how to reverse that, any help is appreciated. Anyhows, these trucks are pretty good Fern, keep up the great work as always! EDIT: Also, if anyone is wondering, yes, the material files for the chassis of these two trucks does in fact NOT have the fuel and power pumps listed on it.
  10. This is a really unique looking track Wambo, great job on it! EDIT: Nevermind, found the race layout on the special events thread for it.
  11. ^ Everything he said right here. Plus content creators don't like being pushed into releasing something quickly, like, do you want to have something that is either half finished or actually complete? So the best thing for you to do is to just be patient and wait like the rest of us here for the creator to finalize the project.
  12. Alright, I'll give it another test and I'll let you know if that was why it was crashing. I appreciate the help. EDIT: It works in multiplayer now with those fixes. Thanks again Matt!
  13. Sure thing, let me get it posted here via mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/download/k2tx2lfwacoknsd/RoR.log
  14. Great looking truck and all, but I noticed that it's very finicky in multiplayer, like it crashes the application. I'm not sure if it does that in .37, but it's apparently doing that in .38.67. It works fine in single player though.
  15. As I stated from my earlier post on here, if you're using .38.67 or above, some mesh props will be non-existent in-game. However, I think the reason why it doesn't show up on other versions other than .37 is due to the exporting stage of certain mesh parts and all. I may be wrong though. Also, I've tried redownloading it and retried, but it didn't do anything different.
  16. ^ Just like what he said, these recent releases of yours have been nothing but phenomenal. Keep up the great work as always! (Also, this one is missing parts for .38, so it's .37 compatible only, for all of those wondering.)
  17. :| There's a request section for a reason... I really don't think fern appreciates having this comment section being filled with countless requests.
  18. YES. I am absolutely stunned by your work Helen! Not only have you brought a unique concept into RoR, but you have also made existing classic trucks into the frame as well. Keep up the good work!
  19. Woah, this caught me by surprise! This is definitely a unique version of GD 28. Keep up the good work! EDIT: Yeah, there's certain textures that are non-existent, such as the fuel & power pumps and the steering column. Everything else is there though.
  20. And another awesome pair of monster trucks arrived! I'm actually happy to see these two out, as I was planning to do a video using Doomsday, and this really made things even easier for me. Good work yet again Fern! (Also, these do not have any issues in .38.67, so everything shows up just fine.) EDIT: Fern, I posted a HQ pic of the Doomsday truck on the screenshots thread here.
  21. I only have four words to describe who my favorite is, and that's "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. And that's the bottom line, because I said so. (Sorry, had to XD)
  22. Yet another amazing pack of trucks from you. Keep up the fine work. (Also, just like the previous, these too do work in .38, but as you stated, a few props do not show up. I'm wondering if it has to do with anything regarding exporting the mesh or something.)
  23. There's a request section on this site.. use that instead.

    1. ShawnVallance


      Also, you sure seem to like asking redundant questions. Just let him do what he wants, when he wants.

    2. ShawnVallance


      Also, no need to take things seriously, he's not going to die... He's just facepalming from the sheer amount of idiocy on that file's comments.

    3. ShawnVallance


      Why are you so obsessed over that truck...?

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