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Everything posted by ShawnVallance

  1. Quick question: The axles on this truck show up white, so I know I'm missing a specific texture. Which truck has those specific parts on it in the downloads section? Thanks. Also, this is a rather great GD. At least we're seeing Harlow's body on them, so things are changing for the better regarding any GD. Keep up the good work!
  2. Yeah, was about to say that the fire seemed a bit off. Now to wait for the actual upload to update itself. It's a good truck though, keep it up! Alright, now it's fixed. Absolutely love the fire effects on this truck!
  3. MJFanatic, this is just downright amazing! I don't see any issues with this track whatsoever, so you did an amazing job recreating this track in RoR. Keep up the phenomenal work man!
  4. UtahGuy123, that's a rather simple thing. Just download the LOCrusader2015.zip and extract that red swaybar mesh, material, and texture from that into your smv4 folder. Then you'll be set. Also, I never had a chance to say how good these are Fern! Keep up the amazing work!
  5. Oh, that's why it didn't load up.. XD What White2098 said on the bottom of the comments is what I did. All good Johan.
  6. Uhh, is that the burnside body on the two sheriff monster trucks? If so, that's really the first time I've ever seen it on a monster truck chassis. Gotta admit, it looks unique.
  7. They worked fine on mp for me, and as for the CRD one, the tierods for it are not in the pack. I had to use the regular ones in the zip for now. I like these trucks though man! 10/10 from me.
  8. Yet again another fine piece of work DiggerFan. Keep up the outstanding work!
  9. It's been way too long since I've posted anything here on this thread, so I may as well just throw a link of a drawing that I've done on my Nintendo 3DS using the Colors 3D! application. (Note: the site has a playback button, allowing those to actually view it, similar to a speedpaint.)
  10. I'm saddened to hear that this is your final time being on here, but I wish you the best of luck Chris! I personally want to thank you for everything you've done here on this site, whether it be making new vehicles or tracks, or even the unthinkable with your .38 v4 variant for those who use it. Good luck with boot camp and the marines!
  11. "Drop it like a gangsta!"

  12. http://www.rigsofrods.com/threads/99777-JumpJet-POC Only one that I know of that is publicly out there. Hope this helps.
  13. Personally I'm going to wait to install the free upgrade after I see the pros and cons regarding Windows 10. I'm still rather happy that it's going to be a free upgrade though, so that saves some cash that I would not have if it was a paid upgrade.
  14. That sort of attitude won't land you anywhere but trouble. We're just trying to show you how to properly fill out a request. It's not hard to do that.
  15. You really need to learn how to do a proper request... Look at the GUIDE.
  16. Yeah, it may not be like the revamped one that replaced the original stock form, but it's still fun to drive around with nontheless. It gets a 5 star rating from me. And True to that Danny.
  17. This may be a bump, but I fixed the problem on my own. Any mod or admin around, may you please lock this thread?
  18. Welcome to the Sim-Monsters community!
  19. I know how that can be fixed. In the managedmaterials lines, copy and paste these two lines for both of coty's trucks. SOLID/TEX/DarkLexan4.png mesh_transparent DarkLexan4.png DarkLexan4-spec.png SOLID/TEX/DarkLexan4.png/VertCol mesh_transparent DarkLexan4.png DarkLexan4-spec.png This will fix the white texturing issue.
  20. Well darn. I just hope that there's a way to get that fixed up. I had some killer ideas for screenies, but with that issue, it made it impossible :/
  21. I have had some issues regarding this truck mostly where the Coan Transmission mesh on the truck is located at. The problem I am experiencing with it is that the entire piece has warped textures surrounding it. I have included two pictures below to show exactly what I am going through. Any help to solve this issue is appreciated. Thanks.
  22. I noticed that the coan transmission textures are off as well. Otherwise it's an excellent truck. keep it up.
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