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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Probably not going to run much as of yet, 'cause of school and all, but with the Teamspeak thing, which one are we supposed to get? Not very fond of DLing stuff I don't know about, but hey, if it gets me active on here, I'm up for it.
  2. Ah, completely forgot about that. Thanks.
  3. There is a user on Sim-Monsters by the name of TheWildOne199. I happen to know him in person, so we were talking the other day, and we got on the topic of SM. He tells me he has an account but he can't remember his login for it. I know him very well, and I'm positive he wouldn't try to get someones account or anything like that, so I've been trying to help him get his account back online. Is there someone I can talk to to get his account, say, a password reset or something to try and help him out?
  4. That looks great! I remember in my Computer Apps class, we did something like that where we took a picture of ourselves and got one color out of them, like that. Mine didn't come out that good unfortunately.
  5. If you ment by what I said, ive heard of him, just didnt know he died today. If not, eh, i dont know.
  6. Damn...thats bad___.
  7. Try reloading it a couple of times. With some trucks I have, the sound wont run on the first run, but after the next time it usually has sound.
  8. Just heard about him on Race Hub earlier. Truley a great career.
  9. I feel a whole new truck coming soon. Lookin' good, as always, Rock.
  10. Name: Mike Russell Truck: Heavy Metal Age: 15 Bio: Mike always enjoyed competition, so when he found RoR, he hopped right in. Currently driving The Felon in ORL, Mike has tried to qualify for many events including many events for the current season of ORL, and Fall Maddness 2. Earned a spot in the Mayhem At Christmas Village event, but was dropped after technical issues. Not the best racer in the world, but he's looking to make a stand in Freestyle.
  11. Sounds like ill be checking IDS out as well.
  12. Dunno if anyone's ever tried it, and this isn't a request either, but has anyone ever tried making the Black Stallion with the green/yellow tires from, what was it, World Finals 6?
  13. I do see now how on misjudged this topic. Lets open it up to anything, from any racing/sports or anything competitive IRL. That would be a MUCH better topic, no?
  14. Anything you run through before your run in an event that you think helps you do better? Eat a certain food, sleep for a hour before? Anything like that? Personally, I feel just getting myself pumped up and excited works best for me. I'll just growl something in my head like: "Let's go!" or "Time to rock n' roll." Just something stupid like that. Funny thing about it, it basically works for anything I do. Today I took a huge state test for school, and just though "Lets get 'er done." or something like that, and it actually seemed the test got easier for me. Who knew?
  15. I like to think that RoR is the game where you never stop driving. If you watch hiw Mark's driving on the video, you'll see hes always counter-steering, and on and off the gas. After a few months you should start to get a feeling of the trucks drive and what you can and can't do in 'em. I mYself still have driving on my keyboard, and ive never seemed to be able to drive pike Mark or Josh or Arf, but ive developed a sence in the game enough to know my capabilities of what I can do. Practicing and learning how the trucks are going to handel again, is the key in RoR. In my case, just drive how you can drive. Take it slow for awhile and get to know the trucks, then once you can run for awhile without rolling, try moving a bit faster. It all takes tome, but once you get it, you'll spend more time in the air, than kissing dirt. Good luck to ya.
  16. World Finals...5? Kinda hard for me to see.
  17. I have truck, Heavy Metal, but Ive always wanted to have it on a 1965 Shelby GT 500. Love those things!
  18. Amen, first heard 'em off your WF9/Breakable testing vid. Spend the night trying to figure out what the song was!
  19. I agree with Destruction on this one. I run ok without music, but when I blast Metallica or something heavy, you better hold on buddy-ro. It gonna get bumpy!
  20. Man, i hope your luck changes at some point. Maybe get a polkce car and just leave the lights on?
  21. Id say just map your keyboard or whatever your on to something that feels comfortable to you. My throttle and front steering are on the arrow keys, and the shifting and rear steering is over on the number keys above the left hand position. Just have to find something that you feel good with, and learn how you need to druve with it.
  22. Lets just say, nothing beats running around as Vader or Yoda hacking the flesh out of people.
  23. Definatly and issue im faced with in ORL. The only event ive qualifyed for was the Christmas Village event, but i couldnt run due to tech problems. Totally agree with Mark on keeping your cool, and im also with Outlawed. I pike booking events because your garenteed to participate, not get beaken down by guys who know what their doing every single night.
  24. I was thinking the same thing. Having someone who has run proficiently on certain tracks, such as Mark at Vegas or someplace, and just having them give a quick explanation on a good way to drive the track. Such as the RoR Monster Jam WF 1 tutorial by Josh.
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