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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Not to mention killing FPS when used.
  2. I wanted my truck to have a different body anyhow, so it makes no difference for me.
  3. Still, Johnson should have let up for him. All in all, Johnson caused the flag himself.
  4. Or we could add a truck shop to WF7 and you can park one there.
  5. Wonder what that track is being used for.
  6. Truck: Illuminator AIM: mike437@comcast.net Name: Mike Russell Rank: Rookie Reason: Continued to attempt to qualify for ORL events, and Special Events, only succeeding in qualifying for Mayhem In Christmas Village.
  7. My friend has a Gibson Studio. Im pushing for the whole standard to beat him.
  8. I've had it before, and gotten rid of it. I personally didn;t fix it, my old man did, but yeah, I've had it.
  9. Metallica530

    Houston 2012

    Only things I see wrong, is that the file only has Freestyle in it, and dunno if this was planned, but freestyle doesn't have any wear marks. Still a sweet track.
  10. I've tried an Epiphone Jr out, and I didn't like it all. Almost felt like it was made out of plastic. I really like the Gibson Jr's though. Have that sweet almost vintage sound to 'em. Dunno if I posted mine yet but here it is anyways: ESP LTD MH-1000 My first "Own" guitar. Has that heavy Metallica sound. If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm a huge Metallica fan. Kramer Striker: Was originally my dad's but I've picked it up as a secondary guitar for different tunings when I'm on stage. Really like the single coil pickup in the back. It also sounds really good for Alice In Chains. I'm looking for either a Gibson or Epiphone Les Paul Standard in the Wine Red color. Still don't have the money for one yet, but, I have picked up a summer job so, shouldn't be long.
  11. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/4713-version-45-beta-release/ Had to.
  12. You guys just never stop do you? Looking great already!
  13. Personally, I feel RoR is the closest you're going to get without the use of a gaming computer. The tracks and trucks I see coming out of here, just blow me away with how much detail they have in them and yet, how little of an FPS drop-age they have. To get a full on sim, we would most likely need crushable cars, tracks that get worn down over time, and a slight physics adjustment. Most of this would probably cause a good bit of FPS loss. With RoR, I feel we have the best of both worlds, for people with good high quality computers, and the standard laptop from the early 2000's. By all means, we could use a bit of improvement to make it even better, but I'd say we're at a pretty good stage right now. Just my own little input, but hey, if anyone wants to get it even better, I really want to see what this group can come up with, because I know for a fact, that the guys on here are MORE than capable of putting out a better game than Activision, or anyone else can.
  14. Harvick's leaving RCR for Stewart-Hass after this seaon. Never saw that coming.
  15. I really hope you're planning on adding a box truck on that small table top/pond thing. (Can't remember what it was exactly.) Looks good so far. Coco, those look sweet! Look a little weird with the shading in the center of the rim, but besides that, I like 'em.
  16. Name: 1965 Shelby Mustang GT500 Body: See Above Chassis: N/A Images: Other Details: I've used this body for one of my trucks on other games, and I thought it would be really cool to bring it over here for a run with it. The main thing I want is the body with all the lines and such. If your interested in painting it, shoot me a PM and i'll sort that out. Tried to get the best pictures I could find so, hope they help. Any questions, just let me know.
  17. Maybe packs, but I honestly can't remember. I knew I got them in somehow, but it's just slipped my mind again.
  18. I warn you though. If you dont have a good computer like myself, these'll make your game crash after about 2 hits. I want to say I put them in the terrains folder, but i cant remember since I deleted them.
  19. Juan Pablo Montoya would be proud.
  20. Might have been addressed but, will the pack have the numerous Grave Digger trucks, or will we just get say, the main two or three trucks?
  21. We on the east coast just get a crap load of floods. That and all 4 seasons in a time span of a week. Glad to hear everythings Aye-o.k. Connor.
  22. Man, another win for Mark?!?!? One heck of a streak if I do say so myself.
  23. You guys need to release a video of those things. Seriously, stop taunting us!
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