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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. These have to be some of the coolest stuff ive seen on here ti date. Rock with glowing lights, and the new Max Ds. Just simply amazing. Keep up the great work fellas.
  2. Two fish are swimming up a river, when the run into a concert structure blocking their path. One fish looks to the other and says: "Dam."
  3. Metallica and Skillet, all the way!!!!!
  4. There are guys that run other leagues. I currently run in the Outlaws Racing League, and there are others as MROR, and CTFMS. (Apologies if that isn't the right name.)
  5. I've seen that on here when i'm using my iPod, and I believe there is a way to view this in the search section somehow.
  6. I can't even tell who would have won from the pics. Must hae been a pain to judge.
  7. It sounds like a really good sim to me but, first off I don't have the money to spend on it and second, I hear alot of complaints about people's driving. I may try it out once, but I probably won't stay with it.
  8. Debating whether or not to start the dead baby jokes.
  9. Thats sweet. I happen to have a band too. Got a couple of gigs under our belt, and we just finished recording our first demo. Oh and, props on the One guitar cover.
  10. Amen, Tom. That thing great! Love the detail in the face.
  11. I was going to suggest the exact same thing.
  12. So,the V4 that was release was specifically scripted for .37. So, I take it with minor edits in the files, you could make a V4 strictly for other versions of RoR?
  13. Always loved the Anderson boys, mainly because i've been a Digger fan all my life. Recently, i've really like Damon Bradshaw. For being so new to the sport, and yes I know he's been in for a while, he really can drive these trucks. He came in in what, 2007? And by 2009 he already had a championship. The guy can drive, no doubt about it.
  14. Love this truck! Looks really cool! Only thing for me is the rims don't really fit with anything but hey, it ain't mine. Still looks really sweet though.
  15. You just killed it with this! In a good way.
  16. If it has anything with off-road racing, you can count me in!
  17. I'm sure they could pull off the live events for Monster Jam just like they do the races for NASCAR every week. I think that would be a really good idea. It would sure get me watching it more, I can tell ya that right now.
  18. Looks like I need to grab those breakables then, huh?
  19. Dunno if it's just me or not, but the body is showing up almost completely red.
  20. Kinda looks like the Digger Dennis ran back in 2003 and 2004...I think. Remembered he ran black rims and silver beadlocks sometime around then. If that is, you've made me a very happy Digger fan.
  21. I like both of the commentators. Sure they may have some qwerks that we don't like, but Scott does a nice job with the brakets and such, and I like Mark's more technical stuff on the trucks. Only wish we had a technical announcer who was able to do a bit better in competition but, still, they aren't that bad.
  22. So, by more of the grip when sliding, do you mean like the huge sidewall grabs like V3 had? I honestly wasn't a fan of that, but with the current trucks they highside a bit, but a usual tap on the brake while turning can correct this? Can I get an explination on how these will supposedly handel like?
  23. Woah woah woah, Speed's shutting down? Now where am I gonna get all my nascar and mj details at? Id like to see it on fox.
  24. Ah i got ya. Well, at leaat these guys did pull something, because i only got 2 april fools jokes throughout the day.
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