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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Might just be where the ramps are place, or with the angle of the chicane, i might be bogging our speeds down. Doesn't concern me though, still a great peice.
  2. Still incredible non the less. Just a question on the stadium: Is the straight after the thunder alley sign shorter on this version than the old stadium?
  3. Ten bucks say's Ten bucks say's Neil's the only one who lands it.
  4. Can someone provide me witb a link or download or whatever it is? I've been hearing about paint.net and a lot of my buds use it, but I can never find it.
  5. Alright, I guess the track's good. Guess the only thing i'm gripping about is that we don't see any big changes to the track anymore, it's just small things now. I remember back at the first couple of tracks, they had that one very cool ramp. Now I guess it's the backflip nowadays. Hopefully we can see something new come out in the next year or two, but for now, the backflip reigns supreme.
  6. Yes. None of us have any reason to go to prison...right....?
  7. I ment by the way they faced. WF7 and WF9 had the trailers facing towards the starting gate of Racing, and as for WF12-14 they are facing towards the center of the stadium. Get what i'm saying? The tracks are just getting so similar year after year after year. Ok, i'll give them the backflips, but change the other end of the track up for Pete's sake. Why not put some sort of double in there, and the middle, put something on top of it for crying out load.
  8. And why were the trailers at WF7 and WF9 facing the way out of the stadium, then? Who knows what it'll be. My best hope is its just a bus, It could be, but we just have to wait until the 21st.
  9. What did I tell ya? I KNEW the middle was gonna be for him. Not sure if the "Backflip Ramp" closest to the camera is one or not. Highly doubt they would add two in one track. Maybe just a bus ramp or something?
  10. For freestyle, are we going by the a tual order? Just wondering be ause it is a school night and I usually crash by 10pm.
  11. I hear Tom wiol try the Double Backflip in the encores, or so I am told. Only logical ace for the ramp is on the middle like WFX. Wonder if it is there, if they'll leave it open for the show.
  12. I can't stand rollerciasters. People say they're fun. I say NO WAY! Never liked wind in my face, the huge stomach dropage thing, and i'm ok with heights. I can look down all I want, but once im 3 feet in the air and start to look up, I get lightheaded.
  13. Well, if it is a double, I'm positive that I will like this track more than 12 and 13.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions JJ. Have a few already such as GTA IV, NFS The Run, and the only thing that kills GT5 for me is the camera that sits behind the car. Good grief, did they put it on a blimp? WAY to far above the car. GRID looks good so I may try that out soon.
  15. Personally I feel Urban Assult was closer to the actual thing. Already got the Nascar: Insde Line game, and same thing with the 2011 game, problems out the wazoo.
  16. Huh, black AND green set? Either their changing them on the tires there, or he's running half green half black.
  17. What's that leaning up against the front right tire? That a green beadlock, or something else?
  18. Well, I've always been a big motor-head, and always enjoyed full on racing simulators, so I went out and bought Gran Turismo 5 a few months ago. The was decent, but it just didn't have that feel that it used to. It just...I dunno...just didn't feel right anymore. So after that, my friend told me about Forza Horizon and Forza 4. Slight problem: Xbox only, or so i'm told. So now to the matter of what I'm asking. Does anyone have an suggestions for a good driving simulator for the PS3? Might be willing to try something new, or if I could find some older titles for the PS3, I might find something I like. So...yeah, suggestions?
  19. Crud,, cant like on iPhones....BRB! EDIT: Annndd...upvote.
  20. Keep these construction photos coming. I could sure use 'em.
  21. Oh...be pretty interesting to see that one on here, huh?
  22. Metallica truck? Must find,,,must gave converted to v4!!!
  23. Personally I don't see the differance between this and the digger from the v4 pack. Explain please? And y no fireworks shooting off it? Hah
  24. Always loved the look of that wheel. I like it much more than the ones we're running now.
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