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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. What? They're going to take out Moto X Best Trick because it's to dangerous, meanwhile we watched Bob Burnquist break his nose after falling from the Big Air ramp, where people are always dislocating shoulders and, 6 years earlier, having someone fall 47 feet from the quarter pipe. Well, there goes another one of my highlights, as well.
  2. Anyone else out there watching X Games this week? (Aug 1st - Aug 4th) If so, what events are you most interested in, and who will you be rooting for to get a medal? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For me, I've always enjoyed the Motocross Events and Rallycross. That and the new Gymkhana Grind event should be interesting. As for people I'm pulling for: Nate Adams and Tanner Foust FTW!
  3. Continuation From 25: I also had no idea about the Raptors. As for the Fiberwerx body, I think a monster truck could pull it off. I'd love to see someone take a crack at that version. (Think John's was a different one, from the conversation.)
  4. Trust me on the Traxxas part. I've replaced just about everything on my older Stampede. I even had to throw in a brushless motor a few years back, 'cause the reverse gear blew out of it...and I wanted to go faster. As for jumping, they aren't intended for it. You can get away with the skateboard ramps, like Pitbul mentioned, but I wouldn't do it 24/7. My only advice: buy body pins in bulk.
  5. Yeah, I usually run fine on my own, when no body's watching (Yeah, it sounds silly.) but as soon as I enter the server, everything drops. Got all kindas of loose in the yellow lane, probably ran over a 21 second pass...but the red lane wasn't bad. It'll be close.
  6. I just can't get a grasp on racing, no matter what I do. Always end up screwing something up. Oh well, wait and hope, just like always.
  7. Norm had to step out of Batman during Freestyle, so they filled CVH in Batman, at least for the freestyle portion.
  8. Figured out how to move camera positions now. Now enter roofcam!!!!

  9. That would be it! I can't thank you enough. Now once I figure out where all the numbers move the cameras, hopefully I can get a chassis cam here, shortly.
  10. Ideas for ramps? I have an old Traxxas Stampead and I just took a long 2x4 and put a eice of plywood on top of it for a small ramp. That or a nice tree stump worked well, and provided some entertainment.
  11. You, sir, deserve a medal! I can't tell if it's the angle of the pic, or me and my horrible eye sight, but I think the front nose piece needs to come down a bit further, not much, but it's noticeable. I can't imagine how long it took to model that grille in.
  12. I'd say Weenk, in my opinion. He's preformed very solidly in past years, won numerous events, and beaten out Tom and Dennis, doing so. Unfortunatly for him, he's had many mechanical problems at Vegas. I'm sure if he gets a solid run at Vegas this year, he's got it made. Neil's a great driver, on par with Dennis and Tom in most cases, but for some reason he wasn't invited to Vegas in 2013. That throws a red flag for me. He's still highly capable of a title, when he get's invited. Mark has potential, but he hasn't out preformed the top guns many times. A few more years, and he might be there, but not yet. We all know Ryan's a chip off the old block, but I still feel he needs more seat time. He's constantly showing that he can compete with the top drivers, but I don't see it happening yet. Then again, they did say that about Adam... I think Linsey's the next guy in line. Just my overall thouht.
  13. Alright I need a hand here. I'm trying to move the on-board camera on my custom truck up to the roof. The truck is basicly a re-painted Metal Mulisha, minus the flag. I've taken a look at the "Moving Props" tutorial, but I'm still clueless on whereto go in the .truck file. I know it's in the props section, but I have no idea which line I'm supposed to be in. Can anyone shed a bit of light on this for me?
  14. Maybe an oil fire or something? I know they've had them say, when the trucks rolled over and what not, but that's an interesting place to have one.
  15. If that's C3-PO, I wanna know what R2-D2's gonna be.
  16. The only thing I would change would be the body. No disrespect to whoever made it, but it feels to square to me. I believe the V3 body would work a lot better, but other than that, I love the truck. With the way the chassis handles, and the old Taz body, it really does feel like Adam's truck to me.
  17. Not sure which lane takes the inside turn right after the start, believe it's the red lane. Anyhow, that lane is very simple for me. Just one question concerning racing, Mark. Will we be able to double both car stacks, what was done likewise at the Custom Series Finale, or do we need to hit both of 'em?
  18. Of topic but, whats the difference between "La" and "El"? El is The, if I still retainded a bit of 7th grade spanish, but, I don't temeber much.
  19. Mike Russell Heavy Metal (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/865-heavymetal10/) mike437@comcast.net
  20. Wouldn't happen to have a South Park truck, would ya?
  21. Alright jeres my problem. I installed a Moder Warfare 3 Class Generator app on my 4th gen iPod touch. While it was installing, I moved it into the games file, or organizer, whatever you wanna call it. I noticed it splitit into 2 apps... The fully installed app was in the games section, but the other was the same app, but it was stuck in the installing icon mode. I can't uninstal it (at least from the iPod) and I obviously can't open it. Being the neat freak I am, does anyone know how I can delete this off of here, preferably without losing all my data. Cheers for assistants as always!
  22. After many conflicts with brainless children with poor social skills, thus came this: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3varl0/ (I'm really not good at memes.)
  23. I know Ghostx (That his name?) uploaded it, and motox grove it, so I'm assuming on of those two. (Wow, that's a derp moment.)
  24. Man, I'm horrible with figureing out how to use AIM.

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