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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. And yet again I've made myself look very very stupid...why I'm falling for this stuff today, I dunno...I'm usually not this gullible.
  2. First the backfkips being overdone, and now the offroad body? What's next? Same colored track painting? Oh wait...
  3. The ETX NASCAR games are nothing but glitches. I do more paint booth work than actual racing. The main reason why I run in Paint Booth Cup and not any racing leagues.
  4. I'll go on it, because that's the only way tbat I'll be on a track for RoR in competition. Mike Russell
  5. Whoever made it, I tbink looks good, and now I'm confused so...lol.
  6. Now that the mobile version of the host forum has again went all FUBAR on me, I'll just skip the no lobger avalible quite button. Monster Jam Fan: Yeah, they look a little to pink to me. If you can, try using the color picker tool or whatever it's called, and try selecting the purple around the name on the body. If you can do that in photoshop, then that will be the color you need. [What am I saying...of course it will be!!!] Also, I'm assuming that's the Custom World Finals you've been working on in the background? If so, tbat came out really well. I like it.
  7. That's what I do find funny about the V4 trucks, or whatever updated version that is. We claim they're not full blow breakable trucks, and yet we still find ways to break them.
  8. Those of you attempting this, you,re probably better off using the WF11 Blue Digger body since that's practicly the same body this truck runs.
  9. That's all you ever can do, try your best. They don't like, the. That's their problem. If it you put the effort into it, and you like the way it looks, then that's all that needs to be said. If anyone else doesn't, then they can make their own version. It's why you see so many different versions of trucks floating around everywhere.
  10. Looks good from a normal Mutt, but I've got an idea for ya. Pauken's truck that he runs in Vegas is, what I assume, is a Digger chassis. Reason why is the back end of the body sticks up way higher than tbe front. I'm no expert on chassis, but if you want to make it a true Pauken replica, you should put it on one oc his chassis. Even without the right frame, it still looks pretty cool.
  11. Hi. Can someine plz maek wold finalz 17 with big jamps and monster trocks. I rly want dis. K thx by.
  12. Best of luck with that one, got your work cut out for ya.
  13. Wasn't Chuck's chassis underneath another truck over the last week? Thor maybe?
  14. Just saw the video of LeDuc's run. Jez oh man that guy can drive. Is it judt me, or within the last few years, the winning runs have had a really big more here and there, but other than that they're just driving around? I'm not trying to frash anyone, but years ago, you needed a run with just about everything, and now all it seems is get one, maybe two backflip ls in and you're in contention. Just my persinal opinion. Great to the Mulisha gang get a win, though.
  15. Hit 30 in SYP 31 already? Dang, you people are quick.
  16. Heck yeah! Told ya LeDuc would be one to watch! I get bonus points for that right? Honestly, I don't think anyo e was expecting that. Tell ya one thing, Deegan's gonna be pretty happy.
  17. Told ya the dide can run. Now, how long will he last?
  18. May as well, since I didn't do a braket. Competition B Lucas Oil Crusader: 27 Grave Digger: 23 Son Uva Digger: 25
  19. Concert's dine. Off to Eat'n Puke, then home for the chat. Is Todd drivibg Mulisha tonight? If so, he races offroad trucks too, keep an eye on him.
  20. Kinda hard to tell, but it looks like tbe table top has been turned into a small double for the center jump. Still looks conjested though. Gonna be a truck eater for sure.
  21. Devin just summed that up perfectly. Personaly, I don't.care about the redo. Racing is racing. If you're not on you A game, you lose. That's wbat happened both with Lee and Tom. End of argument.
  22. Did a backflip at Minny 2010.
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